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Sharepoint Web Parts  

2019/SE Modern Web Parts  

Digital Clock Webpart  

Alerts Webpart  

Event Manager Webpart  

Sitemap Webpart  

Stock Chart Webpart  

Stock Quotes Webpart  

Dilbert Webpart  

Mega Menu Webpart  

Quote of the Day Webpart  

Webpart Tabs Webpart  

"Spotlight On.." Webpart  

"Tip of the Day" Webpart  

Lightbox Webpart  

Page HeaderSolution  

Tabs & Accordion Webpart  

Weather Webpart  

Slideshow Webpart  

Currency Rates Webpart  

Media Player Webpart  

YouTube Player Webpart  

Map Chart Webpart  

Org Chart Webpart  

Tiles Webpart  

Chart Webpart  

Google Chart Webpart  

Hero Webpart  

News Tiles Webpart  

Cafeteria Webpart  

RSS Feed Ticker Webpart  

SQL Viewer Webpart  

Google Map Webpart  

Quick Poll Webpart  

Quick Survey Webpart  

Audio Player Webpart  

Geo Mapper Webpart  

SQL Chart Webpart  

Exchange Calendar Webpart  

Exchange Events Webpart  

Call to Action Webpart  

Quick Links Webpart  

Filter Webpart  

Image Rotator Webpart  

Navigator Webpart  

KPI Webpart  

Page Hits Webpart  

Picture Menu Webpart  

Timer Webpart  

Podcast Webpart  

SQL Bullet Graph Webpart  

User Spotlight Webpart  

List View Webpart  

Staff Directory Webpart  

Birthday Reminder Webpart  

News Carousel Webpart  

Team Members Webpart  

Christmas Webpart  

Classifieds Webpart  

Image Menu Carousel Webpart  

Timeline Webpart  

Banner Rotator Webpart  

AZ Index Webpart  

Blog Roll Up Webpart  

Discussion Roll Up Webpart  

Document Roll Up Webpart  

News Roll Up Webpart  

Task Roll Up Webpart  

Calendar Roll Up Webpart  

Quick Form Webpart  

Twitter Webpart  

Upcoming Events Webpart  

Welcome Webpart  

Color Calendar Webpart  

Image Carousel Webpart  

Metro Grid Webpart  

Goal Thermometer Webpart  

Swipe Gallery Webpart  

List Items Webpart  

List Rotator Webpart  

List Search Webpart  

Bullet Graph Webpart  

Accordion & Tabs Bundle  

Accordion List Webpart  

Tabs List Webpart  

Microblog/Chat Webpart  

Toast Notifications  

Vacation Planner Webpart  

Multilevel Tile Webpart  

Inspired Tiles Webpart  

Facebook Timeline Webpart  

File Explorer Webpart  

Zip Creator  


Web Part Bundle  

Web Parts by Category  

Microsoft Sharepoint Web Parts

Cafeteria SharePoint Web Part

Sharepoint Cafeteria Web Part
Week View Layout
Sharepoint Cafeteria Web Part Today View
Today's View Layout

The Cafeteria Web Part displays the cafeteria menus either in a weekly view or as just today's menu.
It gets the information from a Sharepoint Calendar list. The list items can directly be added and edited by users with contribute permissions on the list.

The Web Part can be used with Sharepoint 2010,  Sharepoint 2013, Sharepoint 2016, Sharepoint 2019 and Subscription Edition.

The following parameters can be configured:

  • List View and Menu entry Layout
  • Custom CSS styles
  • "Order" button to order meals by e-mail and/or by posting the orders to a SharePoint list.

SharePoint 2019/SE 'Modern' version »

Product Price     
Cafeteria Web Part for SP 2010
30 Day Evaluation Version (Release 1.0.11) 
Free download..
Cafeteria Web Part for SP 2013
30 Day Evaluation Version (Release 1.0.11) 
Free download..
Cafeteria Web Part for SP 2016
30 Day Evaluation Version (Release 1.0.12) 
Free download..
Cafeteria Web Part for SP 2019 and SE
30 Day Evaluation Version (Release 1.0.12) 
Free download..
Cafeteria Web Part License Key
per Server License
USD 250.00
 Cafeteria Web Part Installation Instructions download..
Deployment Instructions for SP 2019 and SE "modern" pages download..

Installation Instructions:

  1. download the Web Part Installation Instructions (PDF file, see above) 
  2. deploy the solution to your server/farm as described in the instructions.
  3. Navigate to a page where you would like to place the webpart and choose "Site Actions/Edit Page"
  4. Add the web part to the appropriate zone. The web part is listed in the "Amrein Engineering" web part gallery section
  5. Create a Sharepoint Calendar List to hold the menu entries for each day.
  6. Enter the menu entries in the calendar's "Description" field.
    - create a bullet list by prefix the lines with a '-' character.
    - add optional nutrition facts in square brackets (to be displayed as tooltips):

  7. Configure the following Web Part properties in the Web Part "Miscellaneous" pane section as needed:
    • Site Name:
      Enter the name of the site that contains the Sharepoint Calendar:
      - leave this field empty if the List is in the current site (eg. the Web Part is placed in the same site)
      - enter a "/" character if the List is contained in the top site
      - enter a path if the List is in a subsite of the current site (eg. in the form of "current site/subsite")
    • List Name:
      Enter the desired Sharepoint Calendar name containing the definition of the links. 
      Please note that the optional menu pictures can either be defined as List item attachments or via a column of type "Picture or Hyperlink".
    • View Name:
      Optionally enter the desired List View of the list specified above. A List View allows you to specify specific data filtering and sorting. You will also need to include the "Title" and "URL" columns if you are displaying these fields (see below).
      Leave this field empty if you want to use the List default view.
    • Field Template:
      optionally enter the Calendar columns to be displayed (surrounded by curly braces). You can specify HTML tags and CSS styles to freely format the text.

    • Header Text:
      enter the web part header text.

      Our Cafeteria Menu
    • Footer Info:
      enter optional footer text (including HTML tags if needed).
    • Display Type:
      either select the "Week" or the "Today" display type.
    • Hide Weekends:
      suppress Saturdays and Sundays.
    • Show Date Picker:
      display a date picker to let users pick a date.
    • Show 'Add new Item' Button:
      allow users with contribute permissions to add new items and/or edit existing items.
    • Show Full Menu Link:
      display a link at the bottom that points to another page or a PDF document.
    • Web Part Style:
      enter your CSS styles as needed.
    • Header CSS Style:
      enter your CSS styles as needed for the web part header.
    • Weekday CSS Style:
      enter your CSS styles as needed for the weekday captions.
    • Options:
      enter further options as needed (see separate documentation).
    • License Key:
      enter your Product License Key (as supplied after purchase of the "Cafeteria Web Part" license key).
      Leave this field empty if you are using the free 30 day evaluation version.

Please enter a comment below if you have problems with the installation, want to give feedback or have suggestions for improvements:

User Comments Post a Comment 

Diego Barrientos  
3/2/2020 16:19 
Hi Juerg,

We already purchase an enterprise license for amrein web parts, its this new web part included?
3/2/2020 16:45 
any new web parts published within one year after the original web part bundle purchase are included.
Since you purchased the bundle in April 2018, it is not included.
Please note that our Premium Annual Support contract (see /apps/page.asp?Q=AESupport) also includes all new web parts besides giving you priority support.
Kai Marschall  
10/25/2021 12:11 
Hallo Juerg,

ist es möglich aus dem Caferia Web Part die Essensbestellung für 2 Wochen zu organisieren?

Gruß Kai
10/28/2021 13:03 
yes, you can add an "Order" button to each menu item in combination with our "Quick Forms" web part to have your users order meals via e-mail/and or sending the orders to a SharePoint list.
Harry Scheper  
6/13/2022 16:38 
Will this web part be made available for the Modern set?
6/14/2022 15:17 
the "modern" SP 2019 version of the web part is now ready.
Please thus re-download the web part and then update the farm solution.
Ed Hendricks  
12/30/2023 09:36 
Is there a way to have three meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) listed for each day? And have the picture for each meal appear on top or below or next to that meal?
Is there a way to remove the price parameter?
1/4/2024 13:14 
yes, you will need to add 3 calendar columns named, say Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and then enter these column names int the web part's "Field Template" setting as eg.


Mathias Kneidl  
3/22/2024 11:57 
Hi Juerg,

how can i create a order button for each menu item?

We use the modern SharePoint 2019 version.
I have installed the "Cafeteria" and "Quick Forms" web parts.

I just don't understand how I can create the order button using the "Quick Forms" web part.

  RSS Feed   
We mostly use your multimedia and rotator web parts to add some life to our SharePoint based intranet. The web parts are inexpensive, easy to install, simple to configure and work reliably. We couldn’t ask for more.

Warren Moseley, Whitefriars College

This web part is available for:
SharePoint 2010
SharePoint 2013
SharePoint 2016
SharePoint 2019
SharePoint SE
SharePoint 2019 'modern'
SharePoint SE 'modern'
Office 365