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Quote of the Day Webpart  

Webpart Tabs Webpart  

"Spotlight On.." Webpart  

"Tip of the Day" Webpart  

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Page HeaderSolution  

Tabs & Accordion Webpart  

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Accordion & Tabs Bundle  

Accordion List Webpart  

Tabs List Webpart  

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Microsoft Sharepoint Web Parts

Tabs List Web Part

Important Note:
please note that we have now replaced this web part by the new "Tabs & Accordion List" web part (see /apps/page.asp?q=5917).

The below information serves as a reference for existing customers of the previous version.

This web part helps you to save screen space, focus attention and have more content available instantly with only one click.

It groups list items by a group field you select and shows the list items of only one group at a time. Thus is allows to focus the attention of the user to specific information.

Moreover it allows you to format group fields and list items with HTML-code and add informative words. Thus lists can be presented in fully customized and user friendly way.

The colors follow the site theme.

You can configure the following web part properties:

  • The list you want to show
  • The list view to filter the list items
  • The grouping field by which you want to group the list items
  • The sorting order of the grouping field (SP 2010)
  • The template to customize the presentation of the grouping field
  • The list items (content) you want to show
  • The sorting order of the content (SP 2010)
  • The template to customize the presentation of the list items (content)

Version history:

  • 1.0.0: Initial version
  • 1.1.0: List view support added
  • 1.2.0: Setting for JQuery moved to the web.config file
  • 1.3.0: Added sorting for Grouping Field and Content. Simplified table building in content template.
  • 2.0.0: Added site selector and improved support for different field types. Support for SP2013
  • 2.1.0: Serveral new options and better support for SP2013
  • 2.2.0: Compatibility to the filter web part. Simply create views and select them with the filter.

This web part is also offered together with the Accordion List web part in bundle.
See: Accordion & Tabs List Bundle.

Here you see two typical samples of using the Tabs List.

User tasks can be presented in a clear and focused way:

And what about a nice menu card?

Installation Instructions:

  1. Download the Tabs List Web Part Installation Instructions (PDF file) 
  2. Deploy the feature to your server/farm as described in the instructions.
  3. Navigate to a page where you would like to place the webpart and choose "Site Actions/Edit Page"
  4. Add the web part to the appropriate zone. The web part is listed in the "VEA" or "Cellworks" web part gallery section
  5. After adding the Tabs List web part, you may proceed to the configuration of the web part.
  6. Configure the following Web Part properties in the Web Part Editor "Tabs Connection" and "Tabs List Style" pane section as described in the Installation Instructions:
  • Site Name: Choose from whhat site you list will be loaded.
  • List Name: Select the list you want to present in the drop-down field
  • View Name: Select the view to filter your list items accordingly.
  • Grouping Field: Select the field by which you want to group the list items.
  • Group Sorting Field: Select the field, by which you want the grouping tabs to be sorted. Default sorting refers to the Grouping Field itself. Select either Ascending or Descending sorting order.
  • Grouping Template: Additionally you may use the Grouping Template to format the Grouping Field through standard HTML code.
  • Content Type: By selecting the option "Field" you will get a drop-down list to select the list field you want to group. By selecting the option "Template" you will be offered a text box to enter HTML code.

    Fields are represented by: [Row.FieldTitle] or [Row.Index]
  • Content Sorting Field: Select the field, by which you want the content to be sorted. Default sorting refers to the sorting order in the selected view. If no view is selected, you should select a content sorting field. Select either Ascending or Descending sorting order.
  • Title: The title in the "Appearance" pane is automatically set to the List Name selected in the "Tabs Connection" pane. . You may choose any other name.
  • Content begin code: This gives you the option to set a title (e.g. as first row in a table). That can be done with just text or within a table as a row with <TR>…</TR>.
  • Content end code: This gives you the option to set a footer under your data. That can be done with just text or within a table as a row with <TR>…</TR>.
  • Display item count: If activated, displays the count of the group as prefix to the grouping field.
  • Limit item count: Set the maximum of items dispayed each group (0 means no limitation).
  • Group backgound color: Overwrites the background color.
  • Title Font Size: This is the font size of the Grouping Field in pixels. The default value is 11.
  • Title Bold: By clicking this checkbox the Grouping Field will be displayed with bold font.
  • License Key: Here you enter the license key for your purchased web part.
  • JQuery: In case you want to use an existing JQuery, add the following key into the of the web.config file of your SharePoint Site: . Any other value will disregard existing JQueries. Setting it ones, applies to all Accordion and Tabs List Web Parts.

Please enter a comment below if you have problems with the installation, want to give feedback or have suggestions for improvements:

User Comments Post a Comment 

11/21/2011 03:36 
We entered 32 items in a list. The All Items view used the default "item limit" setting of 30. The first 30 items display appropriately in the Tabs web part. However, the 2 items (#31 and #32) that were visible on the 2nd page of the View, did not display in the web part. If we increase the item limit or group the items so that all are contained on one page, then all items are correctly displayed in the Tabs web part. I didn't know if you were aware of this behavior and wanted to mention it to you. This should be added to your documentation.
2/17/2012 10:55 
Is coloring af this web part possible in sharepoint 2010? without changing the color theme of the site.
Support Team  
2/18/2012 10:52 
Hi Kenneth, coloring can be done for example like this: <span style="color: #FF0000">[Row.Content]</span>
2/21/2012 15:57 
Hi Christian,

the title is not showing same for all User is changed based on permissions is it ?
Support Team  
3/20/2012 12:38 
Update for Navi: In the example within this page, we used calculated fields for the weekday. the problem was, that this fields didn't updated automaticly. Maybe you find a solution.
3/22/2012 16:11 
I found the solution that is working fine for me, instead of calculated fields I am using filter. I make a view called current view that display next 7 days lunch menu and first open tab is always today "I am using weekday not today" More important now I do not need to delete last week's menu.
Michael Krall  
4/18/2012 13:15 
I am trying to add this web part to a page but run into the following error:

The "TabsListWebPart" Web Part appears to be causing a problem. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I then need to close the web part via the Web Parts Maintenance Page

The version of Sharepoint is

Support Team  
4/20/2012 16:05 

This is a failure of your Sharepoint and can be corrected if you change the theme of the site once and back. We could reconstruct the error and this was a working solution to the problem.

Michael: When do you get this error? When you add the solution to the gallery oder if you choose it from there to insert from the gallery?

11/2/2012 04:08 
Hello, is there anyway to show the rating image in the content area?
Support Team  
11/9/2012 11:55 
John, this is not possible at the moment. But we will take this on the list for possible future updates. But i can't promise you that it will make it in the next build.
4/3/2013 12:17 
Where can I download the MOSS2007 version? The download on your site looks like it is only for 2010.
Support Team  
4/5/2013 13:41 
Ian, unfortunately the MOSS2007 versions are no longer supported.
4/26/2013 23:31 
Is there a way to pull in the original list's column name when using the Content Type to display several fields per item?
4/30/2013 07:54 
Hello - I am facing the bullet problem and have tried this suggestion "UPDATE FOR THE USER WITH THE "BULETED-LIST"-PROBLEM:

This is a failure of your Sharepoint and can be corrected if you change the theme of the site once and back. We could reconstruct the error and this was a working solution to the problem.

Michael: When do you get this error? When you add the solution to the gallery oder if you choose it from there to insert from the gallery?


I am still getting a bullted view - any updates on how this may be fixed? Cheers
Support Team  
4/30/2013 10:55 
Meg, please use the tempate for arrange several fields with the web part.

Kristy, I will answer your question via email as I have more questions to your situation.
5/6/2013 16:18 
If the zone width is limited and you add mulitple tabs, will the tab titles wrap.
Support Team  
5/9/2013 18:35 
Louis, yes the tabs titles will wrap, regards Reto
6/12/2013 20:23 
I have a wide web part with several tabs accross the top. My tab items are one one column of data. I would like to post 2 or 3 coumns across but I can not get the pointer to move to the next list item, so it shows the same data for the same item across the page. Is there a way yo advance the point via code in the template so it would show list item 1 in column 1 and list item2 in column 2 and list item 3 in column 2 and so on and so for.
Support Team  
6/14/2013 10:57 
Shari, i am not sure to understand you correctly. To display various information each tab you can use the template and access different fields per list item.
6/18/2013 16:32 
Is there an easy way to get the tabs to display vertically instead of horizontally? (on the left side of the webpart to be exact). Thanks!
Support Team  
6/20/2013 10:32 
Angi, unfortunately this is not possible, regards Reto
7/30/2013 13:51 
This webpart is not working at all for me. Using SP 2010 Enterprise. Trying to use this on a list with ~3000 items and grouping by an index column in that list. It always times out with an error. Tried it on another smaller list of ~1000 items and it will display something. However, the grouping field does not show like above as tabs; they show as a bulleted list with the list of items below that. And clicking on grouping values does nothing to change what is displayed. As far as I can see this simply doesn't work. What gives?
Support Team  
7/30/2013 14:23 
Chuck, this web part is working with a quantity of 40 to 120 entries, depending on the system. For the bulleted-list problem please read the post from 4/20/2012. If the problem this problem is solved, the web part will work as described, regards Reto
8/1/2013 17:12 
Would it be possible to create a Tab web part that can transform all the individual web parts within a particular web part zone to appear in a set of tabs? So when you edit the page you see all the individual web parts, but when it is saved each web part appears in a different tab. I know this tab web part dosen't have this functionality. I have done some looking around and found some other companies that do sell web parts with this functionality, but I'd prefer an Amrein one.
8/2/2013 21:33 
is there a sandbox version? really need this on o365.
Support Team  
8/5/2013 15:17 
Christine, unfortunately this is not possible for the moment and also not planned for next update.

Eric, Until further notice there will be no release of the Tabs and the Accordion in a sandbox version due to the limitations.
Jean Brunache  
8/29/2013 15:36 
Is there a way to have sub-grouping within each tab group. I don't necessary need Tabs for the subgroups (though that would be interesting), just the basic sharepoint "collapse" with the + symbol will do. If not currently available, maybe it can be added in a future release.
Support Team  
8/29/2013 17:19 
Jean, thank you for your input, unfortunately at the moment this is not possible. But i am happy to put your request on our list for possible future updates, regards
9/6/2013 18:35 
Hi! This webpart works really good and have a nice look and feel. I'm wonding if it's possible to choose the content based on several criterias (not only one) Like user location (europe/asia/etc) or department (it, finance). Or if it could be a possible change to do. thanks
Support Team  
9/10/2013 10:41 
Aldo, i've put this on the list as well. Regards Reto
Bill Dewey  
9/10/2013 17:58 
These are great, they will clean up and save space on many pages. Can you post an example of what code you would put in the Grouping Template to modify the style of the tab? Am I correct that this is where you would do this? Perhaps change to an Italic font in Red?

Support Team  
9/25/2013 16:57 
Bill, in the installation instrucation available on this site you have an example how to use the template to arrange your output of the web part, regards.
Bill Dewey  
9/27/2013 19:51 
Are you saying that it works just the same as the Content Type? What is the significance of the [WebPart.Group] that is in the Grouping Template by default? Are we supposed to replace this, or should that remain? Thanks,
Support Team  
10/1/2013 12:14 
Bill, the [WebPart.Group] represents the title that you can format with html for example <b>[WebPart.Group]</b> for having it bold. The output of the tab-content you will format when you switch the content type to "template" and use html again. regards Reto.
11/13/2013 11:50 
Hi, I have installed the solution, but when I open the website, I've got this message: ... "1031/styles/TabsListJQuery.css" not created. The file was not found on folder "layouts". What's the problem?
Support Team  
11/13/2013 12:04 
If someone has this problem, please send us an email. We will send you an updated build where this error will be solved. Joerg, I've sent you an email already. Regards, Reto
11/19/2013 07:51 
is it supported on Safari, IPad, Iphone and Android too
Support Team  
11/19/2013 11:31 
Adnan, as far as Safari is supported with Sharepoint (2010), there are no limitations for our products. Regarding mobile devices we had positiv feedback from our clients until now. Regards, Reto
11/25/2013 16:57 
Does this web part allow you view multiple lists with each list as a tab? Or does it just use one list?
Support Team  
11/25/2013 17:41 
Kathy, Tabs and Accordion both work with one list. Regards, Reto
2/12/2014 17:38 
looks cool. can it group by all column types? Managed Metadata?
Support Team  
2/13/2014 10:33 
ben, that was reported working as well, yes. If you experience problems, write us under info at cellworks ch.
3/4/2014 22:51 
I am having the same problem as Quyen (hashtags being listed). What was the solution?
Support Team  
3/5/2014 10:47 
If you have this problem, please write us at info at cellworks ch, in order to receive a version with that problem solved.
9/11/2014 18:02 
We are using the Tabs Connection web-part and pulling content from a list. Is there any way to open up documents in a new tab instead of having the content open up in the current view? Thank you for the help and support.
Support Team  
9/11/2014 19:38 
Dianna, please use ‘target=”_blank”’ in your link to accomplish that.
2/6/2015 18:40 
Is it possible to have multiple columns within a single tab?
Support Team  
2/9/2015 12:52 
David, yes, you can use html tables within your tabs for this.
2/18/2015 23:16 
I'm using this part and it's working wonderfully except in Firefox where the tabs are not rendering at all. I just get a list of my items, is there any additional config I need to do to get this work on firefox?
Alan Hoyt  
2/25/2015 20:52 
In reference to my Feb 20th posting this year, has the Tab web part been updated yet to access lists in other sites? For example I use the Amrein List View to show lists at a higher site than the one displaying the list. It works fine. But now I need the same ability but using tabs. Any chance this has been addressed?
Support Team  
2/26/2015 11:18 
David, the web part was tested for Firefox and should work as it does in IE and Chrome. If the problem persists, please contact us on email.

Alan, yes since, v2.0.0 it is possible to select the site where the list is loaded from. Please download the latest build.
3/10/2015 18:43 
Does this web part support multiple lists? I want to create a single form based on multiple SP lists (Parent/Child relation) and I was wondering if I can use this web part?
Support Team  
3/10/2015 19:43 
Alejandro, accessing multiple lists is not supported.
Anna Johnson  
4/30/2015 15:42 
I am attempting to install the solution and keep getting the following error. When performing manual install "Failed to extract the cab file in the solution."
When using the install2013.bat: "VEATabsList.wsp: The specified file was not found."

I thought something may have gone wrong with the download and/or extraction, so I performed those tasks again, but still getting the same errors.
Support Team  
4/30/2015 18:41 
Anna, please download the version again from our server. The problem was solved. Remember to have always all files in the same directory.
4/21/2019 08:18 
I download and Installed the webpart but is not appearing in the webpart gallery section
4/23/2019 12:12 
did you deploy the web part to the correct Sharepoint web application ?
Also, did you activate the feature in your site collection ?
4/24/2019 06:05 
Im trying to place some pictures on the tab list. Can you give the correct html code for that? I tried some code but the picture is being repeated for every item in the Tab list. Thank you in advance!
4/24/2019 12:05 
Jezreel, if you want to have a picture on a single tab, you need to place the code within your source of data, like the rest of the content you want to show. Things set in the properties are always for all tabs and should only be used to set the general design. You could try to directly put the html in the list that you have connected with your tab.
9/30/2019 16:52 

Hoping you can help.

I am attempting to display the entries of a person coloumn (tited 'practice leads') in the Content Type as [Row.practice leads] which displays a list of names fine.

Although rather than display a flat list of names, its there a way of displaying the names with their skype presence?

thanks in advance.
10/1/2019 14:03 
How do you change the color of the selected tab?
10/3/2019 11:13 
Dan, unfortunately this seems not possible at the time.

Jeff, it takes normally the tempalte color of your sharepoint. How ever it is possible to override that. Simply use the css property from the settings.

Technical Support Contact Information
If you find that you cannot resolve an issue using the above tools, our Technical Support staff will be ready to handle your technical support needs. You can reach our staff by phone or by email.

Phone: +41 (0)62 823 75 75 (9am - 5pm GMT)
Fax : +41 (0)62 823 75 74
Email: [email protected]
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Our dealings with Amrein have been very positive.We use the weather web part which we rate highly.

Jonathan Whittaker, Port Stephens Council