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Microsoft Sharepoint Web Parts

RSS Feed Ticker SharePoint Web Part

The RSS Ticker Web Part displays either an external RSS Feed or the content of a local Sharepoint list.  
It displays the feed either as a Marquee ticker, a slider or a static vertical list.
The Web Part can be used with Windows Sharepoint Sharepoint 2010, Sharepoint 2013, Sharepoint 2016,
Sharepoint 2019 and SharePoint Subscription Edition (both "classic" and "modern" pages) and Office 365. 

The following parameters can be configured:
  • external RSS Feed URL or Sharepoint List containing the data to be visualized
  • The maximum number of items to be displayed
  • The display option (ticker, regular list, slider or custom template)

Office 365 version » SharePoint 2019/SE 'Modern' version »

Product Price
RSS Feed Ticker Web Part
30 Day Evaluation Version for WSS3.0, SP2007 and SP 2010 (Release 2.0.35)
Free download..
RSS Feed Ticker Web Part for SP 2013
30 Day Evaluation Version for SharePoint 2013 (Release 2.0.38)
Free download..
RSS Feed Ticker Web Part for SP 2016
30 Day Evaluation Version for SharePoint 2016 (Release 2.0.38)
Free download..
RSS Feed Ticker Web Part for SP 2019 and SE
30 Day Evaluation Version for SharePoint 2016 (Release 2.0.38)
Free download..
RSS Feed Ticker Web Part License Key
per Server License
USD 175.00
RSS Feed Ticker Web Part Upgrade to SP 2016 and SP 2019
per Server License
USD 90.00
Web Part Installation Instructions download..
Deployment  Instructions for SP 2010 download..
Deployment  Instructions for SP 2013 download..
Deployment  Instructions for SP 2016, 2019 and SE download..
Deployment  Instructions for SP 2019 and SE "modern" pages download..
You can also send us a PO via e-mail to [email protected] 


Installation Instructions:

  1. download the RSS Feed Ticker Web Part Installation Instructions (PDF file, see above) 
  2. either install the web part manually or deploy the feature to your server/farm as described in the instructions.
  3. Configure the following Web Part properties in the Web Part Editor "Miscellaneous" pane section as needed:

    • RSS Feed URL:
      • External Feed:
        Enter the URL(s) of the external RSS or Atom feed
        (as eg. in case of the MSNBC Top News RSS feed).
        Separate multiple feeds by semicolons.
      • Internal Feed:
        Enter the Sharepoint List path name of the local Sharepoint List to be used as a feed. 
        Enter the full List path as follows: "current site/subsite/Lists/List Name". Do not precede the entered value with the server host name!
        Example: SomeSubsite/Lists/Breaking News
        The feed items will automatically be sorted by ID in descending order to ensure that new items appear at the top of the feed.

        You can additionally specify a List View by appending the View name to the List path, preceded by a colon.
        Example: SomeSubsite/Lists/Breaking News:Some Custom View
        The feed items will in this case be sorted as specified in the View configuration.

        For example, you can create a List View to sort the list items descending by the "Created" list column. This would ensure that the feed only shows the newest items added to the List.

        The selected Sharepoint List should explicitly contain a "Title" and a "Description" column (unless you specify a custom "Field Template"). It also can optionally contain a "Link" column which (if present) is used for the feed item hyperlink. If this column is not present or is empty, the default Sharepoint detail URL is used for the feed items.

        If you point the Feed to a Sharepoint Picture Library, the images will automatically be appended to the feed items.
      • The Web Part supports also supports web part connections thus you can optionally pass the RSS Feed URL via a web part connection
      • You also can pass the RSS Feed URL as an URL parameter by entering the URL parameter enclosed in curly braces.
        Example: {feed}
    • Nbr. of feed items: Enter the desired maximal number of items to be displayed (Default=5)
    • Background Color: Enter the desired background color of the ticker (Default:white). Use either a hex RGB value (as eg. #FFCC99) or an HTML color name (as eg. orange)
      You can alternatively specify a background image (repeated for each feed item) stored in a Sharepoint Picture Library.
      Please enter this path starting from the top site as follows: /site/library/image

      You can also specify an optional item delimiter to be inserted between the feed items by appending the desired HTML string (preceded by a semicolon):
      Example: orange;<hr/> 

    • Show Feed as a Ticker: check this field if you want the feed to be displayed as a one-line marquee ticker.
    • Show Feed Tabs: display a Tabs menu at the top if you specify multiple RSS feeds.
      Assign the tab captions by appending the captions separated by "|" pipe characters as eg.
      http:///apps/rssfeed.asp?Q=Web%20Part%20Feed|Amrein Engineering

    • Show Feed Date: show or hide the RSS feed "published" dates.
    • Ticker Title: optionally prefix/start the ticker or the list with a custom text.
      Example: REUTERS NEWS :

    • Ticker Delimiter: enter your custom ticker delimiter string (Default: +++ )
    • Scroll Delay: sets the Marquee scroll delay in millseconds (1=fastest, higher values=slower)
    • Scroll Amount: sets the Marquee scroll amount in pixels (default=1)
    • Scroll Direction: either scrolls the marquee from right to left or vice versae
    • Show Start/Stop Controls: show or hide the Ticker start/stop and direction controls
    • Use HTML Marquee: use the HTML Marquee tag instead of the JavaScript ticker if you observe any browser performance problems.
    • Font Style: Enter the optional CSS style if you want to override the standard Sharepoint font settings.
      Example: 20pt Lucida Sans

      You can optionally append more CSS styles as follows:
      20pt Lucida Sans; font-weight:bold; color:red
    • Suppress HTML: optionally suppress the HTML tags in the Feed body
    • Max. nbr. of words displayed: Enter the maximum number of words to be displayed in the body text.
    • Maximum Image Width: Enter the maximum image width in pixels. This setting allows to control the maximum size of the images displayed when pointing the Feed to a Sharepoint Picture Library.
    • Header Text: optionally append a header text to the list or ticker.
      <div style='background:#54BCEB;color:white;padding:8px;font-size:17px'> [fa-telegram]  RETAIL INDUSTRY NEWS</div>

    • Field Template: optionally enter the List columns to be displayed (surrounded by curly braces). You can specify HTML tags and CSS styles to freely format the text.
      If you configured an external feed, the following 3 columns are available:
      - Title
      - PubDate
      - Description

      <li>{Title} <i>{PubDate}</i></li>

    • Footer Text: optionally append a footer text to the list or ticker
    • Open Links in new window: opens the feed items in a new browser window.
    • Show "New" icon for new posts: display the 'New' icon flag in the post title for new posts
    • Cache Retention Time:  enter the RSS feed cache retention time in minutes to minimize an excessive number of calls to the RSS web service.
      (0= no chaching of data)
    • Page Refresh Interval: enter the optional page refresh interval in minutes (0 = no page refresh)
    • License Key: enter your Product License Key (as supplied after purchase of the RSS Feed Ticker Web Part license).
      Leave this field empty if you are using the evaluation version.

Please enter a comment below if you have problems with the installation, want to give feedback or have suggestions for improvements:

User Comments Post a Comment 

5/11/2009 23:03 
I have deployed your RSS feed webpart. I get this error when I try to access it. The "AERSSTicker" Web Part appears to be causing a problem. Request for the permission of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Security.SharePointPermission, Microsoft.SharePoint.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c' failed. Web Parts Maintenance Page: If you have permission, you can use this page to temporarily close Web Parts or remove personal settings. For more information, contact your site administrator. Troubleshoot issues with Windows SharePoint Services.
5/13/2009 09:29 

The “Request for the permission..” error is due to a Sharepoint security restriction. To solve the problem, you can either

  • Put the web part DLL into the GAC (by dropping it into the c:\windows\assembly folder) instead of the BIN directory. Web Parts in the GAC run at a higher privilege level compared to running in the local BIN directory. Please make sure to delete the DLL in the BIN directory and do an IISRESET after having it moved to the GAC.
  • If the trust level in your web.config file is set to “WSS_Minimal” you can alternatively set it to “medium” as follows:

     <trust level="WSS_Medium" originUrl="" />

5/19/2009 16:11 
Heres my XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
<title>Carl's Test RSS News Feed</title>
<Description>This is my rss 2 feed description</Description>
<lastBuildDate>Tue, 19 Sep 2005 18:37:00 GMT</lastBuildDate>
<title>Link to the new GOOGLE site</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 19 Sep 2005 18:37:00 GMT</pubDate>
<description>This is the description for the google link.</description>
<title>Link to the new YAHOO site</title>
<pubDate>Tue, 19 Sep 2005 18:37:00 GMT</pubDate>
<description>This is the description for the yahoo link.</description>
My RSSReader (app) reads this at http://myserver/testnews.xml but the web part errors "Unable to load RSS feed". Are there specific RSS/XML tags missing? Can you give me any help on the error? Many thanks in advance
5/20/2009 11:48 
your XML file is actually fine.
Since the web part needs to access an external resource, you will have to put the web part DLL into the GAC (at c:\windows\assembly) for security reasons.
Please also remove the DLL in your BIN folder and do an IISRESET to properly unload/load the DLL.
Carl Last  
5/27/2009 13:24 
Hi Great webpart, saves lots of time developing a new one. Is there a way to get at the scroll speed? I assume the source code is not available? Many thanks
5/27/2009 14:09 
thanks for the suggestion. We thus have now added a new "Scroll Speed" (scroll delay in milliseconds) property to the web part. Just re-download the ZIP and replace the DLL on your Sharepoint server. You will also have to do an IISRESET to unload/reload the DLL.
6/2/2009 19:15 
I get "Unable to load RSS feed!" when I try to configure the webpart. Any ideas?
6/3/2009 09:47 
LA, which feed URL are you using ? Does the RSS feed look OK in a feed reader (as eg. your browser) ?
Dave Williams  
6/5/2009 14:29 
I have installed this web part and all works fine when connecting to an external RSS feed. However, when I try to connect to a Sharepoint list it says it cannot find the list or view. The full URL for the list to display the default view is I have tried /schools/edulink4schools/lists/latest%20news but returns the the error message described above. Can you confirm the syntax of the URL I should be entering into the web part?
Netta Gold  
6/7/2009 14:48 
Hi, really great post, but I have the same problem as other mentioned here - the WP can't find the SharePoint List. I have an internal list, the URL is: CTO/programs/DocLib1/Forms/AllItems.aspx What do I do wrong? Thank you, Netta
Netta Gold  
6/7/2009 14:50 
correction, the list url is: CTO/programs/Lists/RSS/AllItems.aspx Thank you, Netta
6/8/2009 10:02 

you should enter the Sharepoint list name preceeded by the site name, not the full URL of the list. Thus in your case, you will have to enter


(eg. without the leading http:// and the trailing /AllItems.aspx)

6/8/2009 10:29 

you just need to enter the Sharepoint list name (not the full URL). In your case that would be:

schools/edulink4schools/lists/Latest News

Mani K  
7/1/2009 16:22 
Hi, this webpart looks great. is there any way to change the font style for the text scrolling on the webpart? thanks. Mani
7/1/2009 18:24 
Mani, we have now added a new "Font Style" parameter which allows to apply a custom CSS style to the marquee text.
Just re-download the ZIP file, extract and replace the DLL.
Ray Frangie  
7/6/2009 02:21 
Hi, Is there a way we can set the time zone so that the feeds actually show the correct time rather than the GMT Time? Thanks in Advance Cheers, Ray.
7/6/2009 16:43 
Ray, we actually display the feed items time stamp exactly as delivered by the feed XML. Would you like to have it transformed to the Sharepoint server time zone or the client time zone ?
Venkata subba rao  
7/15/2009 13:09 
i am getting the message like this "unable to load RSS feed!" please suggest them ASAP. Thanks Inadvance.
7/16/2009 10:15 
please re-download the ZIP file, extract and then replace the installed DLL.
We have added more detailed error reporting which should now give you the exact reason of the problem (which most probably is related to proxy/firewall restrictions that do not allow your Sharepoint server to access external sites).
Mani K  
7/20/2009 21:07 
Hi, I have MOSS 2007 site collection on HTTPS. Currently RSS webpart is working fine but somehow images from the external sites(Yahoo,MSBC) feeds are not rendering. Only feeds are displayed on the webpart without images. Please suggest if you have fix for this. thanks, Mani
7/28/2009 15:56 
the images are not embedded in the RSS feed but are actually external links. Since you are using https, the server does not fetch the images which are addressed via http. Most feeds do not support SSL, so it would not help if we would change the image URL protocol to https.
8/8/2009 11:43 
Hello and thank you for this webpart. I am runing it on WSS 3.0 SP2. Everything is working fine (I am testing with the url you provided above) except when I chose "show feed as a ticker". The webpart remains empty. But when this box is unchecked it's fine. I even have the pictures. Any idea? Thank you for your help. Gilles
8/8/2009 12:06 
It works now! I just did an iisreset. Thanks again for this webpart. Gilles
8/11/2009 11:39 
nice Webpart, by the way. Tried to use it on a Sharepoint list. Works fine as long as no view is specified. Adding any view results in the following error: List Column Access Error 5:Value does not fall within the expected range. What is my fault?
8/12/2009 17:50 
Hi Juerg first thank you for the webparts they're very nice, if you could help me on one problem i have with the rss feed ticker actually it is working internally but not externally the error i get is : Unable to load RSS feed: Unable to connect to the remote server so i added the line in my web.config as you recommend

     <PROXY bypassonlocal="”true”" proxyaddress="”http://myproxy”" usesystemdefault="”false”" />

I added the .dll to the GAC nothing it's still not working for internet RSS do you have any ideas ?
8/17/2009 07:38 
Adding view to the webpart gives the following error List Column Access Error 0:
Value does not fall within the expected range.

I have given the view as /Lists/Bulletins:BulletinView. Can you guide me on this???
8/17/2009 10:17 
the error indicates that the "Description" column could not be found. Did you include this column in your View ?
8/17/2009 10:25 
did you enter the name of your proxy in the proxyaddress (instead of the "myproxy" placeholder) ?
8/17/2009 10:34 
Sherin, does your View include a "Description" column ?
8/17/2009 13:11 
Hello Juerg , I din't had a "Description" column in my view.I have added the same ,but still facing the same issue. Thanks in advance for the help
8/21/2009 21:56 
this looks like a great web part. unfortunately, I get: unable to add selected web part(s) AR RSS Tickler Web Part: Cannot import this web part I've copied the dll to the GAC, changed the web.config, did iisreset /noforce and still nothing. any ideas?
8/23/2009 16:15 
It is possible to get the source-code? I need to re-design it... Thanks
8/25/2009 01:24 
Can I add more than 1 list? I would like to add multiple lists to the RSS feed.
8/26/2009 13:39 
Yair, we don't put the source code in the public domain but you are allowed to use it (for internal purposes only) as part of our Premium Support contract.
8/26/2009 13:41 
K, the web part currently only supports a single list, but we could add this requirement as a custom feature.
Pascal M  
8/26/2009 13:53 
Hi, this WebPart is really great. Install and import of the WebPart worked without any errors, but when i try to use it with sharepoint internal feeds, i get the "unable to read RSS-feed" error saying that the server gave back something like forbidden(403). External feeds work properly. Any suggestions?
8/26/2009 17:59 
did you correctly apply the change to web.config located at: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\virtualdirectories\80  ?
8/26/2009 22:16 
Does this ticker web part work on Sharepoint 2007? Can 2 different font styles (e.g. red and green) be supported in the same string (e.g. flag one message as red and another as green)?
8/26/2009 22:23 
Also, how may characters are supported in the Ticker and in the message? Thanks.
Luiz H Mansano  
8/27/2009 15:04 
Hi, I'm using this web part with a internal list of SharePoint. In this case, how can I do to show the time/date that the news was published like the feeds from external sites? Thanks in advance.
8/27/2009 17:13 
yes, it works with Sharepoint 2007.
We never checked the scroller text size limit but I assume it's quite big.
If you are controlling the source of the feed, you could embed HTML tags to control the color.
There should be no restriction on text size if displayed as a list.
8/27/2009 17:30 
Luiz, the web part currently only displays t he „Title“ and „Description” column. We will add the “Created” (plus maybe a user-configurable column) to display the “Published” date in a future release.
8/28/2009 11:09 
Pascal M,
can you check if the trust level in your web.config file is set to “WSS_Minimal” ? If so, you should set it to “medium” as follows:
<trust level="WSS_Medium" originUrl="" />
8/28/2009 14:14 
Hi, Im getting this error after installing the web part: Unable to load RSS feed: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. Any ideas?
8/31/2009 10:48 
Colm, please carefully check your RSS feed URL, there's something the remote server doesn't like about it (what did you exactly enter ?)
Becky Green  
8/31/2009 12:46 
Hi. Sorry if this is an ignorant question, but can I use this web part on a site hosted by someone else, where I don't have access to the server settings? I've tried importing it through the web part interface and am getting an 'Unable to add selected web part. Cannot import this Web Part.' error message. Thanks in advance.
9/1/2009 10:34 
Juerg , thanks for the response. The rss url is working fine if I paste it into the web browser, but it seems to be something todo with sharepoint restricting RSS feeds? I really dont understand. Maybe there is a setting in IIS that I need to change to allow Sharepoint to see the RSS feed?
9/2/2009 16:05 
Becky, unfortunately not. You'll need access to the server in order to install the web part (there is no possibility to "upload" the DLL via the web interface)
9/10/2009 18:12 
can you change the „trust level” line in your web.config from

<trust level="WSS_Medium" originUrl="" /> to

<trust level="WSS_Medium" originUrl=".*" />

(assuming that you are using the "WSS_Medium" trust level)
eg. insert the “.*” characters into the originUrl attribute.
This should enable Web Service calls to any destination.
9/14/2009 16:50 
Is there any way to speed it up? I've set it to 1 and it seems to really crawl along?
9/15/2009 13:50 
we have now added a new "Scroll Amount" property to be able to increase the ticker scroll speed if needed.
Re-download the ZIP file, extract and replace the DLL. Please also reset IIS if you deployed to the GAC.
9/16/2009 15:41 
Juerg, Thank you, it works perfectly!!!! I have another question about adding in proxy server information. I see the code listed previously but where on the web.config file do I add this. I put it just before system.web and the site went mental!!
9/18/2009 17:46 

stu, place it at the very bottom of the file:

      <proxy ... />

9/23/2009 11:23 
Hi all, I have deployed your RSS Feed web part. It's installed and work perfectly with every FEED RSS, but I have a little problem. I'm trying to view feed from my external public web site that publish feed in ASPX format and not in XML format so I put the feed url in the web part configuration like this In the web part I receive a generic error that syas: "Unable to load RSS feed: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error". I tried to rename FEED.ASPX on the external server to FEED.XML and then your RSS web part works perfectly with the link in the configration section. ASPX feed rss works correctly with any FEED reader. Do you have any suggestion to solve my problem? I need file in aspx format. Best regards Best regards
9/24/2009 18:09 
Works great but does not display my list view. Get error: List Column Access Error 5:Value does not fall within the expected range And it does contain a description column.
9/24/2009 18:20 
Justin, can you check the "Description" field of all the rows selected by your View for some unexpected content ?
9/24/2009 18:28 
Juerg, The description field for all items is blank.
9/24/2009 18:31 
Justin, does it work when you fill in some text (after all, the feed would not make a lot of sense if these fields are empty) ? In the meantime we'll try to analyze the problem..
9/24/2009 18:37 
It displays the title field in the ticker. I do not want it to display the descriptions. It works but not if I put in a view. And I have tried adding some data in the description field.
9/25/2009 09:46 
I am getting error "Unable to load RSS feed: The 'link' start tag on line 43 does not match the end tag of 'head'. Line 98, position 3". I have already added webpart dll in GAC (C:\WINDOWS\assembly). Please let me know how to procedd as soon as possible.
9/29/2009 16:59 
Hema, can you send us the HTML source of that page so we can check against the error message ?
10/2/2009 19:29 
Great Web Part - Love it! In a future release would it be possible to change the character or image that proceeds the item? Right now it's three plus signs but I can see my marketing department wanting to mess with that. Anyways, just a thought. Love it. Thanks.
10/9/2009 12:41 
Hello, first of all thank you for this extremely usefull webpart. It really surprised me that there was no native rss viewer within WSS. I have tested several feeds and most of them work fine, but with one coming from a calendar view I am having issues (link is like this: BCM/Lists/Calendar:rss). I get the folowing error: List Column Access Error 5:Value does not fall within the expected range. I have added the Description field which was not part of the view, and also checked its contents to make sure no weird formatting was in there as you suggested previously. Thank you for having a look at this. Alex
10/15/2009 03:57 
In RSS URL, the description column is empty. error message: "Unable to load RSS feed: Index and length must refer to the location of string. Parameter name: length" and how to change the date format ?
10/15/2009 10:07 
John, can you post the Feed URL that causes the problem so we can have a look at the problem?
10/19/2009 22:31 
If only used to feed within SP farm, can this be loaded without access to server by collection admins?
10/21/2009 01:59 
Hi, I am having trouble getting the rss feed to work. I get the following message: Unable to load RSS feed: The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required. Where would I enter the user credentials? We are using ntlm authentication on wss3.0. I have entered the following in the web.config: <>
    <proxy proxyaddress="http://proxyname:port" bypassonlocal="true" />

10/21/2009 03:50 

Hi, I managed to get it working! The problem was with the config on our proxy server, which wasn't allowing the wss server access. The web.config I used was:

    <proxy usesystemdefault="false" proxyaddress="http://proxyname:port/" bypassonlocal="true" />

Thanks - its an excellent webpart! Kutgw.

10/21/2009 15:15 
I could sucessfully implement the webpart for local Sharepoint List .It works great . But when i set an external URL for the sharepoint site(for client demo),the webpart comes with"List not found " error. Do we need to configure anything in this scenario?
10/21/2009 18:56 
are you trying to use the web part to access a Sharepoint List on a different server via the internet ?
In this case you would have to look up the RSS URL (via the “List Actions/View RSS Feed” menu entry) of that list and use this URL which looks like (example):
10/22/2009 09:51 
Hi, nice webpart, its working great. Can we display images/thumbnails with news? I am using the following in my xml file: <media:thumbnail width="66" height="49" url="http://myserver/news/images/story1.jpg" /> Is this correct?
10/22/2009 13:45 
Thanks Juerg . As suggested i have tried up with RSS URL .Now it loads with"unable to read RSS-feed" error saying that the server gave back something like forbidden(403). From some earlier comments, i have tried with <trust level="WSS_Medium" originUrl="" /> in web.config.Still it is failing to load. Could you guide on this?
10/22/2009 16:02 
Sherin, can you first verify if your RSS URL actually works fine when you open it directly in your browser ?
10/22/2009 16:44 
do you have an example of a public RSS feed that uses the “<media>” tag for images ?
Most public feeds just embed the images in the “<description>” tag, some feeds also use the “<enclosure>” tag.
10/23/2009 13:21 
Juerg, The RSS feed URL is not loading from a different domain but it loads with in out internal network. What can be done to make it load in outside network? Thanks in Advance
Pascal M  
10/26/2009 13:05 
Whenever i try to access a list i am getting a "list not found" error. The URL of the feed looks like https://myportal/personal/myname/Blog/_layouts/listfeed.aspx?List=%7BBFD471F8%2DEBEB%2D4174%2D8139%2DE0AA45A63F97%7D It represents a feed of my personal blog on my MySite and it should be displayed on the homepage of the portal. any ideas?
10/26/2009 14:45 
the web part did not support SSL connections but this has now been corrected. Please re-download the Zip file, extract and replace the DLL.
10/28/2009 07:22 
Dear Juerg, I found this media tag in Yahoo RSS. Anyways if I use embed the image in <description> or <enclosure> tag will the webpart show images as thumbnails? and if we are using sharepoint list then how we can display images as thumbnails?
Peter M  
11/5/2009 17:44 
I am trying to configue the RSS feed to show an RSS from a Blog. The URL /yvesblog/Lists/Posts works, but it only shows the title from the blog and not the body. Can you tell me how to get the body to display also?
11/11/2009 18:03 
Peter, we overlooked the possibility to add “blog” feeds, where the body text is held in the “Body” field (vs. the usual “Description” field) and the detail link page is “Post.aspx” (vs. the usual “DispForm.aspx”). We will change this asap.
11/20/2009 20:09 
It would be very useful to have an option to display 'Titles Only'. Some rss feeds have very long descriptions and there is no way to hide them...
11/27/2009 11:38 
Hi, it´s a great webpart! It needs the possibility to add blog options...but it's a very useful webpart
11/27/2009 16:07 
M.R. we have recently added a new option ("Max. nbr. of words displayed") to restrict the amount of text to be displayed. Please re-download the Zip file, extract and then replace the DLL.
11/27/2009 16:11 
we have updated the web part to also take care of Sharepoint Blogs. The web part now uses the body text as held in the blog “Body” field (vs. the usual “Description” field) and also uses the “Post.aspx” detail link page (vs. the usual “DispForm.aspx”).

Please re-download the Zip file, extract and the replace the DLL (also do an "iisreset" if you deployed to the GAC).
Noel Gannon  
12/9/2009 18:22 
Hello. This webpart is really great. I have deployed it on my WSS site and it works perfectly. One strange thing though is that for a feed from a "News" list it is not showing the date/time that the item was posted. So it looks a little strange because it will show the following: Subject of news item <an empty line> Body of item. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks. Noel
12/11/2009 11:14 
I assume you are using an "Annoucements" list. We have posted a new release on December 4 which fixes this problem.
Please re-download the Zip file, extract and then replace the DLL (followed by an "iisreset" if you placed the DLL into c:\windows\assembly).
12/18/2009 12:59 
Ok! I will try it! thanks!
1/8/2010 21:00 
I have tried all the suggestions to get past the Unable to Add... type is not registerd as safe. I have added the line to my web.config in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\4835 I have also changed the trust to medium and put a .* in the Originalurl-".*" line. in the same file. I put the dll file in C:\WINDOWS\assembly which I beleive is the GAC area. Any other suggestions? How can I check the Trust?
1/9/2010 12:53 
1. Can I have multiple instance of the RSS web part on a page? 2. The following feed displays fine in RSS Web part but doesn't show anything in AE RSS web part: Thanks
1/11/2010 10:23 
your error message indicates that the SafeControl entry to be added to the Web.config file is either missing or not properly formatted. You can find the web.confg file for the Sharepoint default application at:


Please check if you actually need to address the Sharepoint application running on port 4835 or rather the one running on port 80.
Please append the entry as described into the “SafeControls” section. Make sure to add it on a single line. Use Notepad for editing (not WordPad or some other fancy editor).
You do not have to modify the web.config Trust level if you placed the DLL into c:\windows assembly (the “GAC”).

1/11/2010 13:07 
yes, you can place multiple RSS Web Parts on a page.
The “Mike Barrett Blog” feed uses the Atom (vs. the RSS) format specification.
We have updated the Web Part to now also support the Atom Syndication Format.
Please re-download the Zip file, extract and then replace the DLL (also do an "iisreset" if you deployed to the GAC).
1/11/2010 20:59 
Juerg, I figured it out. There is another wwwroot on another drive on the machine that is where the site is running from. Sorry for the distrubance and thanks for the help!! Tim
1/15/2010 21:02 
The webpart works perfectly internally but externally it fails. I recieve the following Web Part Error: A Web Part or Web Form Control on this Page cannot be displayed or imported. The type could not be found or it is not registered as safe. I've placed the dll in the GAC, should I move the dll to bin for external access?
2/19/2010 09:03 
the error indicates that the „SafeControl“ entry in your web.config file is either missing or not properly formatted.
You need to add the following line:

<SafeControl Assembly="AERSSTickerWebpart, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=42c5ea5f0b0e688a" Namespace="AERSSTickerWebpart" TypeName="*" Safe="True" />

You typically find the web.confg file for the Sharepoint default application at

Sanjay Thumati  
4/7/2010 14:08 
Hi Juerg, I migrated my SharePoint site to SP 2010. I am getting the below error -- ProtocolError occured trying to complete the request. The server returned a status code of : BadRequest and the status description is : "Bad Request" -- Please help.
4/7/2010 17:41 
can you change the „<trust level=>” line in your web.config from
<trust level="WSS_Medium" originUrl="" /> to
<trust level="WSS_Medium" originUrl=".*" />

(assuming that you are using the "WSS_Medium" trust level)
eg. insert the “.*” characters into the originUrl attribute. This should enable Web Service calls to any destination.
4/15/2010 04:45 
All is working well for lists, but just want to add the "view name" within the feed url.

I am using this :
I get this error : List Access Error 0/0:Value does not fall within the expected range
I am using SP Foundation 2010
4/15/2010 13:31 
David, please make sure that you selected both the „Title“ and the „Description“ column in your View Settings:
5/24/2010 11:39 
Hi Juerg, Nice Webpart. Great job. Well I am using sharepoint list as RSS Feed URL Ex. SubSitename/List/ListName Well I have used TITLE and DESCRIPTION columns. My question is can we use some column which will display Images also..along with the DESCRIPTION
5/25/2010 12:52 
the RSS web part currently does not support the display of images when it refers to a Sharepoint List or Library (unless you embed an <IMG> tag in the item body text).
Are you pointing the web part to a Sharepoint Picture Library or are you rather pointing it to a List and would be able to display the image file attachament(s) ?
6/10/2010 13:38 
Very interested in using your webpart, but we have feeds that are password protected. Does your RSS webpart support this?
6/11/2010 18:11 
Jeremy, this depends on how the feed implements the password protection. Do you use these feed over the internet or are they internal feeds ?
6/21/2010 21:01 
Juerg, The feeds are Internet feeds to be consumed in an intranet. For now there are feeds that require a web log in through a http post. Are there any options to pass user credentials in your reader?
6/23/2010 20:48 
Jeremy, no, this is currently not possible but we can have a look a it. Do you have an example of such a feed ?
6/30/2010 16:30 
Nice Web Part. Any suggestions on how to get the links (brought in from lists) to open in a new window?
6/30/2010 18:00 
we have now added the new „Open Links in new window” web part setting.
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract and then replace the DLL (followed by an “iisreset” command if you placed the DLL in c:\windows\assembly)
7/1/2010 12:19 
We're having an issue with the ticker in that IE (ver 8) is truncating the ticker links. FF (3.6) shows all of the links correctly. Two feeds we've tried are and We've tried displaying the ticker in a column that is about 350px wide as well as a full page width. In both cases, it looks like IE is clipping the links once their combined width equals that of the marquee tag.
7/2/2010 12:59 
we have now replaced the <MARQUEE> tag with a cross-browser compatible solution that also should work fine with IE8. We’ve checked with your two example feeds and it looks OK.
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract and then replace the DLL (followed by an “iisreset” command if you placed the DLL in c:\windows\assembly)
7/9/2010 10:29 
The ticker displays the "created by" date. Is it possible to display the "modified by" date?
7/9/2010 10:43 
Kesse, the RSS web part currently uses the "Created" (Lists) or "Published" (Document Libraries) field. If it's important for you, we'll be adding the option to choose the "Modified" date instead.
7/26/2010 00:18 
I am getting a IE 8 error: Expected ; Please help.
7/26/2010 16:51 
Radhika, what is the exact IE8 error you are getting ?
7/27/2010 02:55 
Is there any way to make this support a feed that asks for HTTP Basic authentication?
7/27/2010 21:34 
Hi, Is changing the image from the plus signs to something else supported in the latest version?
7/28/2010 11:33 
i have deployed version 1.1.9 for testing. I try to add an second rss feed from the internet to the site but the first feed is taken over by the second feed. The second feed doesn't give any response. What i try to accomplise is line1: feed line2: feed thank you in advance
7/28/2010 15:58 
you can now customize the ticker separator by adding the following new line to the AppSettings section of your web.config file:
   <add key="AERS_TickerDelimiter" value=" xxx " />
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract and then replace the DLL, followed by an “iisreset” command if you placed the DLL in c:\windows\assembly.
7/30/2010 16:55 
it is currently not possible to have more than one scrolling RSS ticker on the same page unless you use the MARQUEE setting as described below (we will fix this in the next release).
You can configure the web part to use the <marquee> tag for scrolling by adding the following line to the AppSettings section of your web.config file:
   <add key="AERS_Marquee" value="1" />
7/30/2010 16:59 
David, can you give an example of such a feed that requests Basic authentication?
Guy V.  
8/2/2010 22:58 
Great web part but i when i changed the fon Stylet to: 20pt Lucida Sans; font-weight:bold; color:red; the RSS ticker is "cut" by half. i'm using the following RSS feed: please advice Guy
8/3/2010 11:02 
you can configure the web part to use the MARQUEE tag (which is not supported anymore by IE8 unless it uses “Quirks” mode) by adding the following line to the <appSettings> section of your web.config file:

  <add key="AERS_Marquee" value="1" />

If you prefer not to use the MARQUEE tag, you can re-download the Zip file containing the most recent version, extract and then replace the DLL in the c:\windows\assembly folder, followed by an “iisreset” command.
You can specify the desired line height (in pixels) by adding the following line to the <appSettings> section of your web.config file:

   <add key="AERS_TickerHeight" value="24" />
8/19/2010 10:55 
Hi Juerg, yes, if it's possible to add the possibility to use the "modified by" date. it's necessary because if someone changes an entry the old "created by" date and time are displayed. So it's confusing. Thanks a lot.
8/23/2010 17:06 
I have installed your RSS Ticker webpart into our SP 2007 environment. But I am getting the following error when adding the webpart to the page: Unable to Add WebPart AE RSSTicker WebPart: Cannot import the AE RSS Ticker WebPart I have installed the DLL in C:\Progaram Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\Bin folder And modified the web.config in C:\Progaram Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\Config folder Are above mentioned folders correct ? and do I also need to do a IIS reset ?
8/23/2010 17:38 
no, these 2 locations are not correct. We actually recommend to use the “Automatic Installation” option for deployment as described in the downloadable Instruction PDF.
If you rather prefer to manually install the web part, you should locate your Sharepoint application folder which typically can be found at


Please then put the DLL into this path's BIN folder and then modify the web.config file found in this path.
You’ll then also need to upload the AERSSTicker.webpart file into the top site web part gallery (as said, the automatic installation procedure is easier).
8/23/2010 23:27 
Thanks. it worked. How to make the title and description scroll vertically ? instead of the horizontal tickerstyle.
8/25/2010 15:53 
Nadeem, the RSS Feed web part actually only supports horizontal scrolling (we are planning to add this feature to a future release)
Andreas Lotze  
8/27/2010 17:32 
I have deployed your RSS Webpart under SF2010. The connect to a List View doesn't work, the RSS connect works fine. The bigger problem is the Font Style, only the attribute "color:" is working.
8/30/2010 18:14 
you can now let the web part display the Modified date instead of the Created date by adding the following line to the <appSettings> section of your web.config file:
   <add key="AERS_UseModifiedDate" value="1" />
9/9/2010 16:29 
I changed the font size, but the bottom of the ticker is not visible. When i increased teh web part size, the bottom of the ticker is still cut off. How do I increase the font size and not have the bottom cutoff? Also, can i change the image separating the ticker feeds? instead of the crosses that proceed the message?
9/9/2010 16:41 
please add the following two new lines to your appSettings section of your Sharepoint application's web.config file:

   <add key="AERS_TickerHeight" value="40" />
   <add key="AERS_TickerDelimiter" value="xxx" />

where xxx is your custom delimiter setting and 40 (in the above example) is the ticker height in pixels.
9/13/2010 16:06 
I do not have the feed setup as a ticker, just as an article like in your examples above. The problem that i am facing is that there is too much empty space between articles. How can I change that?
9/13/2010 16:12 
Nevermind. I had too much spacing after the article. When i tried to delete all of teh empty space, it will not let me for some reason. I still have about 3-4 lines of empty space.
9/13/2010 16:21 
Kelli, are you using a "rich text" field for the article ? If yes, you might switch the rich text editor into HTML mode to get rid of the tags (most probably some <p> or <br> tags)
9/29/2010 18:02 
HI, Trying to have this webpart working but have some issues. Working fine in standard display but empty when I choose "show feed as a ticker". Did a IISRESET and I moved the DLL into GAC withou sucess. Could the problem come fromthe fact I use SharePoint 2010 on a X64 bits Windows 2008 server ? Please let me know. Regs
10/1/2010 18:27 
BILL, we have now been able to fix the problem which was related to SP2010. Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract and then replace the DLL, followed by an “iisreset” command if you placed the DLL in c:\windows\assembly.
10/14/2010 05:02 
Hi I am using this rss ticker and everything is working fine except that it is not showing pictures .The site is an HTTPS site does this has to do something with this.
10/22/2010 15:38 
I have linked the forum which is there in our portal into this webpart. When i click the link, it is pointing to disp.aspx page in the forum which does not show any replie. Ideally we want that link to open the forum page with all the replies which is there in flat.aspx page
10/22/2010 16:26 
Aravind, how did you configure the web part to point to the discussion list eg. does it shows all main topics or the posts of a specific topic ?
10/27/2010 15:57 
I have pointed the forum like this finance/lists/forum. Now it is opening up disp.aspx page in that form. We want that to open up flat.aspx.
10/27/2010 15:59 
Hi i am trying to change the font size but i couldnt see any change in it. How to change the font size.
10/28/2010 14:26 
the title link for posts pointing to a Sharepoint Discussion List now properly points to the "Flat" View of the selected discussion thread.
We also now apply the "Font Style" setting not only to the web part's "ticker" view but also to the "table" view.
10/28/2010 15:22 
Can you just explain how you managed to point the link to flat view?.
10/28/2010 15:38 
Hi i have updated font-style ="9pt Arial" but it is not working. When i set font-names="Arial" i can see the text changing to arial but i need to reduce of the text.
10/28/2010 16:17 
we detect the List type (which is 108 for Discussion Lists) and then create the link to point to Flat.aspx and also giving it the "RootFolder" parameter.
Please see an example below on how to specify the font.
Also make sure to run version 1.1.22 (check it at the top of the web part's tool pane).
10/29/2010 11:54 
Juerg, Currently i am using the version 1.1.19. does this web part support the feature of pointing to flat.aspx page or should i opt for the version 1.1.22?
10/29/2010 12:22 
Aravind, yes, you will have to upgrade to version 1.1.22
11/1/2010 14:50 
Hi, when I'm on the webserver i can see the feeds ok, but users get the error "Unable to load RSS feed: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized." Any ideas? Thanks.
11/1/2010 14:59 
can you change the „trust level” line in your web.config file from

<trust level="WSS_Medium" originUrl="" />

<trust level="WSS_Medium" originUrl=".*" />

eg. insert the ".*" characters into the originUrl attribute (please note that your trust level be not be "WSS_Medium" as in the example above).
This should enable Web Service calls to any destination.
If this does not help, can you also change the “defaultProxy” setting in your web.config as follows:

<defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true">
   <proxy usesystemdefault="false" proxyaddress="http://xxx:yyyy" bypassonlocal="true" />

where “xxx” is your proxy server IP (ISA) and “yyyy” is the port of the proxy.
11/2/2010 07:40 
Juerg, The new release did the trick for me. Now it points to flat.aspx page.. thanks. I have another issue in the case of blogs. When i refer the blog items as rss feed to this webpart, i am unable to change the size and style of the font. Can you say what might be the reason for that?.
11/2/2010 15:07 
Hi, The above comment was given by me. Please suggest a solution for that.
11/2/2010 15:52 
Aravind, just enter your desired font settings as described a few posts above (the one with the screenshot).
Please also note that you should point the web part directly to the blog (as opposed to using the blog's RSS URL):
Example: someSite/someBlog/Lists/Posts
11/12/2010 07:16 
Juerg, How to increase the space between each news item?.
11/12/2010 10:51 
we have now added a new option to the "Background Color" setting which allows to define the delimiter between the RSS items (please see the description above). You might just insert a <br/> HTML line break to increase the spacing.
11/12/2010 12:09 
Juerg, Is this correct? <add key="AERS_ItemDelimiter" value="<BR>" />
11/12/2010 12:16 
How to add the delimiter in background color setting?
11/12/2010 12:23 
Aravind, if you do not want to specify a background color, enter:


if you do specify a background color, enter:


Please note that we've added the option to specify the delimiter via the "Background Color" field just about 30 minutes ago, thus you might need to-redownload the Zip file again. Also, can we continue this conversation via [email protected] ?
12/17/2010 13:31 
Hi, thanks for the great web part! I have an issue where I'm using an external url that scrolls. The feed is fine but I'm getting a 'Sharepoint List not found' error message displayed on the top of the feed (under the feed title.) The url displays fine in a brower. I think it's to do with the url I'm using:<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="http://<web-site>/publish/scrollfeed.jsp?id=521&height=50"></script>. If I use the url on its own the feed is fine, no error message, but no scrolling either. What do you think? Thank you very much....
12/20/2010 15:01 
Yvonne, can you just enter
(otherwise the web part will not recognize the URL)
12/20/2010 16:16 
Juerg, thanks for the response. when I put in the http://<web-site>/publish/scrollfeed.jst?id=521&height=50, I'm getting the error message, Unable to load RSS feed: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1 position 1. What do you think?
12/20/2010 16:20 
Yvonne, sorry,
It looks like you did a typo in the URL. The correct URL is:
(I guess you also need to replace <web-site> with your actual web site domain name)
12/20/2010 16:49 
Juerg, I'm sorry about that. I had mistyped the url! The url I used was in fact http://<web-site>/publish/scrollfeed.jsp?id=521 where I also replaced <web-site> with the actual web site address and I still got the error above.
12/28/2010 17:33 
great webpart! on 8/25/2009 01:24 someone asked about multiple lists in one feed. Are there any plans on adding this feature? thanks Jake
4/6/2011 11:52 
where can I get from The License Key to Rss feed Ticker
4/6/2011 13:47 
I had Rss feed Ticker by download it for free from Amrein and I cant find License Key
4/6/2011 16:27 
Is there a way to change the color of the article date? For example, the feed looks like this: Title Date Description The "Date" is always in green, is there a way to change this color or omit it all together? Also, there was a mention that you could redirect the link to a specific link within the configuration of the web part. What I'd like to do is anytime someone clicks on the TITLE link, it takes them to a specific URL vs. only showing the TITLE item. Any help would be appreciated.
4/6/2011 17:19 

Date CSS styling:
You can add the „AERS_DateStyle“ appSetting variable which allows you to customize the CSS style of the RSS date (to be added to the “appSettings” section of your Sharepoint application’s web.config file):

   <add key="AERS_DateStyle" value=" color:red; font:15pt Consolas" />

Title Link:
If the selected Sharepoint List contains a column named "Link", the content of this column is used for the feed item hyperlink. If this column is not present or is empty, the default Sharepoint detail URL is used for the feed items.
4/19/2011 10:48 
I am trying to deploy webpart a Sharepoint 2010 Server, i unzip the AERSSTickerWebpart.wsp and Install2010.bat. Place them om server desktop. I ran the bat file. However, no solution was deployed to find on "Manage farm solution". I tried to put AERSSTickerWebpart.dll to c:\windows\assembly and redo process. Still failed to find the solution deployed. And I am quite confused how I download AESomeWebpart.wsp for SSP2010
4/19/2011 19:41 
Mani, can you retry and run the install2010.bat file in a CMD window to be able to see the completion message ?
4/26/2011 04:23 
Dear Juerg, it's stilling not working. I tried put both install2010.bat and AERSSTickerWebpart.wsp files into c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\bin. Then run install2010.bat as Administrator. Not working.
Then I tried to run install2010.bat in a cmd window.
SET STSADM="c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\bin\STSADM.EXE" %STSADM% -o addsolution -filename "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\bin\AERSSTickerWebpart.wsp"
It propmted "Object reference not set to an instance of an object. The Solution installation failed."
Is there anything I have done wrong? I have some screenshots sent to you by email to [email protected]
4/26/2011 10:29 
there are two possible causes for this:
  1. You need to run the command prompt in administrator mode. Right-click the command prompt and choose "Run as administrator." You may be asked for an administrator password at this point (You actually observed this point)
  2. SQL Admin Content database. The user executing the STSADM command must have full control access to this DB. Have your DBA add your user account to this DB w/ full control
Ian Hawkins  
5/13/2011 09:44 
I see a preview post (8/25/2010 15:53) saying: "the RSS Feed web part actually only supports horizontal scrolling (we are planning to add this feature to a future release)". Have you now added the vertical scrolling functionality, as that's what we are after? Thanks
6/9/2011 12:11 
Great webpart! Would it be possible to add a feature to remove or style the date?
6/9/2011 12:34 
you can add the „AERS_DateStyle“ appSetting variable which allows you to customize the CSS style of the RSS date (to be added to the “appSettings” section of your Sharepoint application’s web.config file):

   <add key="AERS_DateStyle" value="color:red; font:10pt Calibri" />

You can also add the „AERS_DateFormat“ appSetting variable which allows you to customize the display of the RSS date:

   <add key="AERS_DateFormat" value="f" />

You can specify any .NET Date/Time Format String as eg.
“d” short date
“f” full date/time
“g” general date/time etc.
You can also specify “none” to suppress the date altogether.
6/24/2011 19:55 
This is a great webpart but it would be nice if it would scroll any column in a view. I need to do a countdown in my scroll so I need to use calculated columns. Will this functionality ever be added?
Simon Chivrall  
6/27/2011 14:31 
Suggestions: - Sharepoint lists need different item divider as all show +++ - Connect to Sharepoint RSS feeds - Connect to Sharepoint document libraries to show new files
6/27/2011 17:45 

Simon, you can customize the ticker separator by adding the following new line to the AppSettings section of your web.config file: 

  <add key="AERS_TickerDelimiter" value=" xxx " />

6/29/2011 19:29 
we have now added the new "Field Template" setting to the web part which allows you to specify the List fields to be displayed. This also should work fine with calculated columns.
7/4/2011 14:33 
Hi, I was wondering is there an option to change the text Layout: specify the placing of the text with respect to the image: Right, Wrap or Bottom. For your information we use a picture library. I hope you can help us.
7/5/2011 10:49 
Frank, you can use the new „Field Template” setting to use a custom layout for the feed items. Please note that the {Web Image URL} placeholder is used to refer to the picture.

Example (picture at bottom):
<p><b>{Title}</b><br>{Created}<br>{Description}<br><img src="{Web Image URL}" width=140></p>
7/10/2011 23:52 
I am trying to use the DfE RSS Feed without success. I have managed to get the webpart working well with the BBC feed. The feed I am trying to use is: feed: I wondered if the https is the cause of the issue. I can see the feed in a browser without logging in though. I get the error: Sharepoint List not found.
7/11/2011 12:09 
Steve, this feed uses the „a10“ namespace which was not supported by the web part. We have now fixed this and you can re-download the updated version, extract and then replace the DLL.
7/14/2011 14:42 
We've noticed that when configured to display SP list details not as a ticker and with automatic refresh, an extra line-feed appears when the web-part refreshes. Is this an error?
7/25/2011 22:34 
Hello Juerg , Any news on the vertical scrolling feature for this webpart? I am sitting on the fence for this one. I'll jump and buy the part as soon as you relase it with the vertical scrolling feature. Thank you,
7/28/2011 00:45 
can I get rid of the time when viewing in non ticker mode ? just want the date really
7/28/2011 18:25 
ian, you can add the „AERS_DateFormat“ appSetting variable which allows you to customize the display of the RSS date:

   <add key="AERS_DateFormat" value="d" />

You can specify any .NET Date/Time Format String as eg. “d” short date “f” full date/time “g” general date/time etc.
8/31/2011 17:41 
Trying to use the web part with a Blog Post view and getting the following error: List Column Access Error 0: Value does not fall within the expected range. It will show the blog when no view is configured, but once I add the :viewname to the end of the link, I get the error. My requirements is to show specific Categories which has been configured in the view. The view is configured with Title and Body. Any suggestions?
9/1/2011 13:48 
Hi, The webpart looks great. Is there any way to change the direction of scrolling the Ticker?I want to rotate it verticaly, for example: from top to down. thanks. Zeytoon
9/2/2011 16:34 
Zeytoon, the web part currently only supports a horizontal ticker.
9/7/2011 14:26 
please make sure to select the following columns in your Blog List View:
Title, Body, Created, Modified, Attachments
10/6/2011 19:51 
I am using this and i get sharepoint list not found error, how can i fix this. <SCRIPT type=text/javascript src=""><noscript><a href="">Click for "ReadydotGov".</a>Powered by <a href="">RSS Feed Informer</a></noscript></SCRIPT>
10/12/2011 02:24 
Set up this web part to feed from a SharePoint 2010 Announcements list. Default view works fine, but custom view returns: List Access Error 0/0:Value does not fall within the expected range. I saw that you recommend to add the Description column to the view, but the Announcements list doesn't have a Description column.
10/12/2011 02:44 
Actually, I just found that by changing the "Body" field in the Announcements list to be named "Description", the web part works with the custom view. Thanks.
Joe T  
10/27/2011 18:14 
Please clarify your licensing requirements - WFE, App Server, or other?
10/27/2011 18:17 
Joe, the licensing is per „production“ web front end server, ie. no extra licenses are needed for your test/development/staging server(s).
11/10/2011 20:05 
Is there a way to link this sharepoint webpart to a CSS file? We've implemented this part on front page page of our Sharepoint 2010 platform. Most of our front page style is controlled via an external css file. This webpart doesn't match the styling, the hyperlinks, title, and date colors/fonts are all wrong. I'm wondering, can link this webpart to the CSS file?
11/10/2011 20:54 
you can add the „AERS_DateStyle“ and the „AERS_TitleStyle“ appSetting variables which allow you to customize the CSS style of the RSS date and the item titles.
(to be added to the “appSettings” section of your Sharepoint application’s web.config file):

   <add key="AERS_DateStyle" value="color:red; font:10pt Calibri" />
   <add key="AERS_TitleStyle" value="color:brown; font-weight:normal;font:12pt Calibri" />
11/17/2011 18:15 
There seems to be a problem with the scrolling speed in a Safari browser. The speed setting is normal in IE7, IE8 and Firefox, but in other browsers (Safari, Opera and Chrome) it moves too fast. Any idea how to fix this or slow it down in the other browsers? We'd even be willing to allow a slower crawl in IE and Firefox.
11/17/2011 19:09 
Jodie, since we technically cannot make sure that the scroll speed is the same for all browsers, you would have to increase the web part’s “Scroll Delay” setting (which by default is set to 1 millisecond) to some higher value (say 5 or 10) to slow it down.
12/5/2011 16:21 
We want to be able to pull from more that 1 list in the same ticker. In response to K's comment Juerg said ', the web part currently only supports a single list, but we could add this requirement as a custom feature.' How much would this affect the price?
12/6/2011 17:59 
Hi Juerg, I am trying to create an internal feed. I have created a list called "RSS Feed Lsit" with "Title", "Description", "Link" and "Image" as columns. I have given the RSS Feed URL as "MyTestSite/Lists/RSS Feed List". But, I am getting "Sharepoint List not found: MyTestSite/Lists/RSS Feed List" message in the Web Part. Did I miss any steps. Thanks.
12/6/2011 18:44 
Srini, please enter:

/MyTestSite/Lists/RSS Feed List

(the first slash character is needed if the web part is not also placed in the "MyTestSite" site).
12/6/2011 18:58 
Hi Juerg, my list and web part are in the same site. I have tried all the following configurations, MyTestSite/Lists/RSS Feed List /MyTestSite/Lists/RSS Feed List RSS Feed List (Full url of the list) /RSS Feed List /Lists/RSS Feed List Lists/RSS Feed List Still I am getting the "Sharepoint List not found:..." error.
12/6/2011 19:19 
Srini, did you rename the "RSS Feed List" at some point in time ? Also, is the URL of your List of the following form: Feed List/AllItems.aspx ?
12/6/2011 19:35 
Hi Juerg, Here is my List url ""
12/7/2011 12:01 
Srini, can you temporarily enter the value 4711 into the web part's "Nbr. of feed items" setting to put the web part into trace mode and then send us the outcome to [email protected] ?
12/7/2011 18:40 
Hi Juerg, I am able to see the feeds now. Actually, my "MyTestSite" is a subsite ( I have to give the full path (/EN-US/About/OurNews/CompanyNews/MyTestSite/Lists/RSS Feed List). As my list and my web part page are in same site, I am just referring with the List Name only. Thanks for your help.
12/10/2011 12:25 
Hi Juerg, when I use RSS feed from external MOSS site the {Description} is not shown... perhaps wrong processing of <description><![CDATA[Some text>></description>? Tags {Title} and {PubDate} are OK. Could you pls. check it out?
1/3/2012 18:21 
I am required to build a template, which shall contain a webpart. For some reason, when I type /lists/<ListName> the webpart is acquiring the <ListName> from the parent site. If <ListName> does not exist in the parent site, it is returning an error that the list does not exist or could not be found. Is there a parameter that I need to add to ascertain that the webpart get the items from the current site? Please advise.
1/3/2012 19:24 
we have now fixed this problem. If you want the RSS Feed Ticker Web Part to automatically refer to a List within the current site, please enter the following into the web part’s “RSS Feed URL” setting:


Please re-download the updated Zip file , extract and then replace the DLL, followed by an “iisreset” command if you placed the DLL in c:\windows\assembly.
1/4/2012 16:19 
Have you considered an RSS feed reader that would allow multiple RSS feed URLs?
1/6/2012 12:19 
Hi, I have just taken over management of a sharepoint site and we are using this RSS feed display. Apparently it was working before but is no longer displaying the specified list. The list has Title and Description fields, and removing the Display as Ticker box from the web part options shows the contents of the list, but when I put it back into ticker mode, all I see is +++ scrolling along the bar, i sthere something obvious that I'm doing wrong? We are running Sharepoint 2010
1/6/2012 15:30 
John, there was indeed a bug in version 1.1.33 which omitted a closing “>” HTML tag. This bug has been fixed in subsequent versions. Please thus re-download the most recent Zip file from our web site , extract and then replace the DLL, followed by an “iisreset” command if you placed the DLL in c:\windows\assembly.
1/11/2012 14:23 
Hello Juerg, Does the ticker need a page refresh to refresh the content (provided by a sharepoint list) or is this handled in a different way? We would like to have actual information without a page refresh. Kind regards, Mario
1/11/2012 15:09 
the web part is server based (and not using AJAX) and thus needs a page refresh to update the content.
Please note that the web part’ s “Page Refresh Interval” setting allows to automatically invoke a page refresh in regular intervals.
1/13/2012 09:20 
Having Problem with the Document Link. I'm using the Ticker to show Documents from a Doc Library. This Library has a List with tree Col's: Title, Teaser Text, Name. To make it run it, i'm using a simple Field Template: {Title}({Teaser Text}) How can i make the contect of my third Col. "Name" as the Link to Document ?
1/13/2012 16:29 
please use the {URL Path} placeholder in the web part’s “Field Template” setting as follows:

<p>{Title}</b><br>{Description}<br><a href="{URL Path}">open document</a></p>
Mike H  
2/6/2012 21:57 
There was a suggestiong in June to change the web.config to change the ticker delimiter. Would it be possible to add this as an option to the web part configuration, this would be more useful for our site administrators who do not have server access.
<add key="AERS_TickerDelimiter" value=" xxx " />
Mike H  
2/6/2012 22:53 
I have also found that when I am using data from a SharePoint List (our farm runs over SSL), the ticker works fine, however, when you click an item on the ticker you get an error. It looks like the problem is that when you click the link, the URL is http, rather than https.
2/8/2012 14:22 
Does this web part require that our site use Kerberos security? We don't and never will, and we've been looking for a way to display internal RSS feeds. Thanks!
2/8/2012 15:29 
the RSS Feed Ticker Web Part does not require Kerberos. It actually directly reads out the Sharepoint List and thus the users visiting the page that hosts the web part need to have read access to the Sharepoint List accessed by the web part.
2/8/2012 17:13 
We now added the new “Ticker Delimiter” setting to the web part’s tool pane so you might consider to re-download the updated Zip file, extract and then replace the DLL, followed by an “iisreset” command if you placed the DLL in c:\windows\assembly.
3/2/2012 17:46 
When I put a RSS feed from a list in the same website, I got this error message:
"Unable to load rss feed: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized"

My trust level for this web app is
<trust level="WSS_Medium" originUrl=".*" />

An I do not have any proxy

Any idea?
Thx a lot
3/2/2012 17:49 
and also for information, my dll is in the gac not in the bin
3/2/2012 18:08 
did you enter the relative URL of your Sharepoint List (recommended) as opposed to the full http:// URL (not recommended) into the web part's "RSS Feed URL" setting?

3/2/2012 18:33 
Thanks Juerg !
It was because I used the RSS feed of the list instead of the list url.

Another question:
Is it possible to do not have hyperlink in the item, I just would like to show text?

3/2/2012 19:14 

the "Title" field is automatically rendered as a hyperlink. If you don't need to show the title, you could use the web part's "Field Template" setting to select your column(s).
We now have added a new option to suppress the hyperlink by specifying {Title/nolink} in the web part's "Field Template" setting.

{Title/nolink} {Created}

4/27/2012 17:01 
Hi, we would like to use this great webpart in combination with publishing pages. The problem we are facing is related to the hyperlink which is rendered.
The ticker is working fine and shows the title of the pages but when you try to click on it to go to the full page it refers to 'http://portal/Pages/news/pages/P20120203.aspx' instead of 'http://portal/News/Pages/P20120203.aspx'.
RSS feed URL in the webpart is 'news/pages'.
Please help? Regards.
4/30/2012 15:47 
please enter
into the web part's "RSS Feed URL" setting (ie. prefix your entry with a "/" character).
5/16/2012 02:45 
I am evaluating your web part and getting "List Access Error 0/0:Invalid field name". This is an external list and I've specified the list columns to be displayed in the field template.
5/16/2012 11:13 
we have now fixed the problem regarding Sharepoint 2010 external lists (BCS).
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract and then replace the DLL, followed by an “iisreset” command if you placed the DLL in c:\windows\assembly.
5/18/2012 22:08 
When configured to use a SharePoint list, does it support audience targeting?
5/22/2012 11:42 
the web partt currently does not support audience targeting. We omitted this feature since it is only available for Sharepoint Server, but not for Sharepoint Foundation.
Would this feature be very important for you ?
John McKay  
6/7/2012 23:19 
I have been using an external ticker app with sharepoint rss for some time. I am looking to accomlish two things. I would like a ticker that allows me to:
Display Message categories.
Target audiences.
Allow users to select views specific to their needs as they are assigned. For instance: I want groups of users to see products specific to their roles for that day within a multi-role portal.

Can we do that with your ticker app. Or talk more about doing it?
7/2/2012 14:04 
Hi, our customer is using some old version from webpart to read external feeds. Most of the time webpart has been working perfectly.

Problem comes when company's internet connection start to be slow. Loading RSS feeds can take ages. Page loading doesn't stop until RSS feeds are loaded. So, whole page can be unavailable for a very long time.

Do you have plans to use asynchronous loading with RSS feeds? Does it help if we upgrade the webpart to latest version?
7/2/2012 15:24 
we recently added a cache option to the RSS Feed Ticker web part which you could use to solve your problem by pre-loading the page in regular intervals (as eg. once per day early in the morning) which will make the RSS feed data available in the web part's cache:
  1. Enable the cache by setting the web part's "Cache Retention Time" to say 1440 (a full day).
  2. Use the Windows Scheduler on the Sharepoint server to create a recurring timed task which starts Internet Explorer with the URL of your page containg the RSS Feed web part as the command line parameter, eg.

    c:\pathToIE\iexplore.exe ""

    You might then also configure "stop the task if it runs for n minutes" to automatically close IE on the server after n minutes.
7/3/2012 08:12 
Thanks for great idea!

We will update the webpart and start to use cache.

Maybe this problem could be solved also with timeout configuration for feed reading. Just idea for future development =)
7/3/2012 12:09 
you can actually use the AERS_Timeout appSetting to override the default 10 second timeout by adding the following line to the appSettings section of your Sharepoint application’s web.config file:

  <add key="AERS_Timeout" value="3" />

The above setting would define the timeout to 3 seconds. This option was added with version 1.2.12 on Februray 23, 2012.
7/3/2012 13:10 
Excellent work! Thanks!
7/26/2012 14:39 
Hi Juerg, our provider for RSS feeds upgrade system and now the webpart throws exception: Unable to load RSS feed: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. As provider said the problem generate different format of <pubDate>. Before: Fri, 29 Jun 2012 00:00:00 GMT, then: Fri, 29 Jun 2012 00:00:00 Z. Thanks for help.
7/26/2012 19:52 
we checked the new feeds and found that they are now using the “ATOM” RSS format, but still contain the “<pubDate>” tags which are part of the “RSS 2.0” specifications.
However, we have now adapted the web part to deal with this inconsistency.
Please re-download the updated Zip file , extract and then replace the DLL, followed by an “iisreset” command if you placed the DLL in c:\windows\assembly.
7/27/2012 09:20 
Fast and excellent work, thank you for your support.
8/7/2012 08:27 
I would like to know if i can manage the RSS source feed.

For example :i would like to edit the display of the title field of the RSS.

Today the RSS is diplay like this :

News- blablablabla

I would like to removes the "news" and "-" caracters in the sharepoint site.

Is it Possible in html or css ? Can i put javascript into the webpart ?


8/9/2012 12:27 
the web part is not able to apply any transformation to the content of an external feed but you might try to add JavaScript to the page (via a Content Editor web part) which would replace all occurrences of “+++ News-“ with “+++”.
9/14/2012 16:42 
Hi! I’ve noticed a high CPU for Internet Explorer (iexplore.exe - 50% +) on any pc that is viewing a page with the RSS Ticker. Is this normal? I tried changing the scroll / delay speed but it didn’t improve. When you hover the mouse over the web part the ticker stops and the CPU drops back down. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
9/14/2012 16:46 
You can force the web part to use the classic “<marquee>” HTML tag (as opposed to the JavaScript based ticker) by adding the following line to the appSettings section of your Sharepoint application’s web.config file:

   <add key="AERS_Marquee" value="1" />

The <marquee> tag uses much less CPU resources on the client machine.
9/21/2012 18:33 
Any update on changes to the web part so that it will be able to handle multiple RSS feeds?
Please advise.
10/4/2012 20:00 
I think I ran into this when I was testing but can't find the response. I want to change the color of the text of the feed titles, if I do font style, that only changes the ticker title and +++
10/4/2012 20:52 
I assume that you are using the web part in “List” mode (as opposed to the “ticker” mode).
If yes, then please add the “color” CSS style to the web part’s “Font Style” setting.

10pt Segoe UI;color:green

Please note that this also changes the feed body text to the specified color.
10/5/2012 15:32 
A have this pointed to an announcement list and it does not care if the announcement is expired. Is there a fix?
10/5/2012 15:52 
please create a new List view for your announcements list and set the following filter:

Expires is greater than or equal to [Today]

You then can configure the web part to use this view by appending the View name to the web part’s “List Name” setting (prefixed by a “:” colon).

SomeSite/Lists/Breaking News:Active
10/15/2012 18:46 
we have now released the new version of the RSS Feed Ticker web part which allows to specify multiple RSS feeds. You now can enter multiple URL’s into the web part’s “RSS Feed URL” setting, each one separated by a semicolon.
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
11/28/2012 22:40 
Juerg Thank you for your help and quick responses. I would like to display a column of type person that exists in a list. It simply does not display when I specify it in the template field in the brackets {}
11/30/2012 18:12 
Juerg, we are having a problem with a particular feed. The url for the feed is ''. When using this feed, we receive the error: Unable to load RSS feed: The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is a unknown word starting at index 26.

I have updated the RSS Ticker to the latest version (1.2.30). Any ideas?
11/30/2012 18:23 

please use the following URL:
11/30/2012 19:15 
can you try to add the default „Created By” column by adding it to the template as follows:

{Created By}

and check if it properly displays as expected ?
12/5/2012 01:31 
Hi, I just deployed and get "Unable to load RSS feed: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel". Any thoughts I what I have done wrong. The feed is at an https address.
12/5/2012 10:53 
the error is caused by a missing SSL certificate for this domain.
You can add an option option to bypass the certificate check by appending "|ssl" to the web part's "RSS Feed URL" setting.

12/5/2012 14:47 
Thanks Juerg, that worked for my SSL problem. As always great support :)
12/20/2012 21:19 
Any way possible to add a div surrounding the entire ticker to control centering, height and any other css? I see where you can change the height in the appSettings section, but looking for more styling to be done on the shell of the control.
12/20/2012 21:27 
I was able to fudge it by adding the following into the
Ticker Title:

<div style="height:40px;background-color:#000;line-height:150%;padding:10px;">News 

And added the closing </div> in the footer text. This is close but is there a template for the overall appearance?
1/8/2013 12:03 
you can actually specify your CSS styles via the web part’s “Font Style” setting by appending more CSS styles to the font style:

10pt Segoe UI;height:40px;line-height:150%;padding:10px

The background color can be set via the web part’s “Background Color” setting.
1/23/2013 10:46 
Dear Juerg,

RSS Feed Ticker Web Part can be used with Sharepoint 2010 Foundation ?


1/23/2013 10:49 
yes, the RSS Feed Ticker Web Part is compatible with Sharepoint 2010 Foundation.
1/23/2013 23:23 
Hi Juerg! We are really glad we licensed your web parts, they are a great addition to our site. We have been adding RSS feeds, and noticed that some of them are putting HTML (encoded) into their feed. This is complicating our efforts to style the feed on our SP site, especially when they encode BR tags into the titles. Any chance for a feature suggestion to strip HTML where it may be found? Thanks again for the great product, Roberta
1/25/2013 14:11 
please use the web part’s „Suppress HTML” option to strip of any HTML tags that might be embedded in the post body text. However this does not apply to the post title. Do you have an example of a feed that contains HTML formation in the post title ?
2/5/2013 07:20 
when i was trying to activate RSS feed webpart,
I am getting below error "This solution contain invalid markup or elements that cannot be deployed as part of a sandboxed solution. Solution mainfest for solution '58529053-bc7f-4bb7-b503-adceae5bab66' failed validation, file manifest.xml,line2,character 61 : The 'Reset web server' Attribute is not declred."
Can you give me any help on the error?

2/5/2013 13:20 
please note that the download of the RSS Feed Ticker web part actually is a farm solution (as opposed to a sandbox solution). You thus will need to install it on the server using the batch file (contained in the Zip) as opposed to uploading it into the solution gallery.
Please note that we actually do have a “sandbox” version of this web part but with the limitation that no external feeds can accessed (only internal ones) due to technical restrictions imposed by Microsoft.
Dan Neuman  
3/15/2013 18:40 
I have added an Announcement list, and want to incorporate the expires date. I see the response above, but that requires a expiration date on every entry. Is there a way to build a filter that says Expires > today, or Expires is empty.
3/18/2013 13:05 
you can set up a working filtered list view as follows:
  1. Create a new column (named say “CheckExpiresIsEmpty”) of type “Calculated” and enter the following formula:
  2. Create a new list view and add the following view filter:

3/25/2013 18:10 
Hello Juerg,

First off, let me tell you that I love your various web parts. We've purchased a few and I have a few more that I am about to buy.

I am having trouble, however, with the RSS Feed Ticker web part. It's working great with a couple of external RSS feeds, and it's working great with a couple of internal SharePoint lists. However, I am trying to connect it to a document library ... and it works, but there are a few things that don't seem to work at all:

First, it simply will not work when I append a "View" to the name of the document library. Example:

Library/NewsClips will work.
Library/NewsClips:RSS shows an empty part - no error but no content. The RSS view contains filters to limit the display and to sort by Modified date (descending).

Second, changes to the RSS settings of the document library seem to have no effect on the feed either -- specifically the Item Limit fields. I have set it to 2 days and 2 items, but I still get 25 (the setting in the web part). From this I assume that the part ignores the RSS settings of the library and is, in fact, not using RSS (or the RSS settings).

What I need is to be able to set a time period and a default sort order. Without the "View" options, I am stumped.

Any help appreciated.

4/4/2013 19:15 
I have my announcements ticker running great! Thank you! Two comments:

1) Would it be possible to have the ability to embed style tags into the ticker header? You do this in other webparts and it is great. This would be very handy for those of us that do not have access to web.config.

2) As was mentioned in a previous comment, I see high CPU usage whenever the ticker is running. My laptop fan kicks on when I go the page with the ticker, and it drops back after I leave the page. I am running IE8 on Win7 64 bit.
4/5/2013 18:48 
  1. you actually can embed CSS styles in the web part's "Ticker Title" setting as follows by enclosing the header in a <span> tag:
    <span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">Breaking News </span>
  2. You can force the web part to use the HTML Marquee tag for better performance by setting the web part's "Use HTML Marquee" setting (added in the most recent version).
4/8/2013 19:04 
Hello Amrein,

I was working with this web part with multiple feeds and noticed that the parameter “Nbr. of feed items” only applies to the first of multiple feeds, and that the other feeds only have 1 item displayed.

Is it possible to set the number of Items Per Feed? Maybe the “Nbr. of feed items” should work as follows; If only one number say,5, then show 5 items for each of the multiple feed. Or to set a unique number per feed perhaps you can do an entry like “5;4;6;7”, where the first feed should deliver 5 items the second feed 4 items, the third feed 6 items and the fourth feed 7 items.

Also it would be nice to have a parameter which would optionally place a little “header/title” at the top of each of the multiple feeds. I would suggest using the xml Content|Title or a title param with “;” separator

4/15/2013 12:59 
we have now fixed the problem when specifying multiple external feeds (only 1 item displayed starting with the second feed).
We also have added the new “{title}” placeholder option to the web part’s “Ticker Title” setting to allow to specify a title foe each feed.

<p style="font-weight:bold;color:white;padding:3px;margin-top:8px;background-color:orange;margin-bottom:0px">{title}</p>

Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
Bob Michael  
4/24/2013 16:34 
I'm not able to get the footer text to display. I've tried entering plain text, hmtl, everything, and it simply doesn't display under the web part. Any ideas?
Bob Michael  
4/24/2013 16:34 
I'm not able to get the footer text to display. I've tried entering plain text, hmtl, everything, and it simply doesn't display under the web part. Any ideas?
4/24/2013 18:03 
the footer was ignored by the ticker before version 1.2.14 (published on 2/27/2012).
The current version is 1.2.42 so you might consider to update the web part.
5/1/2013 16:09 
Hello Amrein,

I was trying today to use an RSS feed URL from some search results on our internal Intranet where you have to be authenticated to see any search results.

The RSS web part returned the following error,

“Unable to load RSS feed: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.”

Now if I just paste the RSS Feed URL from my search results into a browser address area it works ok, however I get the error above when I try to use the same RSS Feed url in the RSS webpart.

Is this a limitation of the gadget? If so can it be changed to allow an internal RSS url?

Please advise.
5/1/2013 17:14 
please download the current version (1.2.43) from this page and then update the web part.
Please then also append an exclamation mark character (“!”) to the end of the “RSS Feed URL” setting. This ensures that the current user’s login credentials are transmitted when accessing the local RSS feed on an authenticated Sharepoint site.
Pramod Fanda  
5/8/2013 00:58 
Have embedded it in SP2013 master page via the code snippet and it works fine as a ticker on the site.
List resides at root site collection /Lists/TickerList
Works fine from root site but gives Sharepoint List not found: /Lists/TickerList Error from the subsite. What could be wrong?
5/8/2013 14:20 
please enter the List URL into the web part's "RSS Feed URL" as follows:


You will need to use an absolute URL (prefixed by an ampersand character to distinguish the URL from an RSS Feed URL), since you placed the web part in the Sharepoint master page.
5/31/2013 18:02 
Hi Juerg,

We are looking for a horizontal scrolling, or better even a fade-in/fade-out marquee. I noticed you said you might do this on a future release - any timeframe on that? do you do custom development?

6/5/2013 21:32 
I have a question concerning upgrading to a new version of the webpart. We currently have 1.2.10, we would like to run the newer version Version 1.2.47. I have downloaded the newer version and have run thru all the normal installation process. We do have a paid license for the 1.2.10 version. But when i try to still use the webpart on a new page, its still reflecting the older version.
Any help would greatly be appreciated.
6/7/2013 13:02 
please use the following Sharepoint PowerShell command to update the solution (after having downloaded the most recent Zip file from our web site, extracted the WSP file and then having placed the WSP file into the c: root directory on the Sharepoint server):

Update-SPSolution -Identity AERSSTickerWebpart.wsp -LiteralPath c:\AERSSTickerWebpart.wsp -GacDeployment
6/11/2013 15:46 
I am getting internal server error "Unable to load RSS feed: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. ".

I just installed the latest version yesterday. Verified that web.config file is updated with safe controls. GAC is installed with latest dll. I am providing the URL in the webpart configuration with an "!" at the end.
What else I need to verify to avoid the error?
Thank You.
6/11/2013 15:52 
I missed to mention. I reset IIS too.
6/11/2013 16:07 
are you accessing an internal Sharepoint RSS feed or an external feed?
If external, can you indicate the URL of the RSS feed?
7/3/2013 17:50 
We're using two internal sharepoint lists for the feed. Is there a way to have each list have its own title like there is for external feeds? In your example you use:
<p style="font-weight:bold;color:white;padding:3px;margin-top:8px;background-color:orange;margin-bottom:0px">{title}</p>

But that doesn't seem to work for internal lists.
7/8/2013 13:11 
I assume you entered two List URL’s into the web part’s „RSS Feed URL” setting.
In this case it is indeed not possible to specify a separate title for both lists.
However, you actually could simple add another RSS Feed web part below the existing one as a workaround.
7/29/2013 17:46 
Great web part, thanks!
We just added this to our site and I was not able to get it to work with an internal list. It gave me an error that it couldn't locate the list. I am using the calendar as my list and it's on the same site (ConsultingSolutionsCenter) as the page with the web part. I tried it with and without the OurCompany in the path:
OurCompany/ConsultingSolutionsCenter/Lists/Consulting Solns Events

I did get it to work with the RSS feed url (after applying the "!" at the end per your reply to another user--great support on this site).
7/30/2013 18:05 
most probably your calendar (or site) has been renamed at some point in time.
Please create the path using the current List and Site display names (as opposed to the URL).
8/6/2013 12:34 
Hi I am trying to configure lists from my site with RSS feed webpart. Even though the list exists i get this error. After i enabled stack trace (as suggested in previous post) i got these messages.
Feed URL=WeatherForecast
Page URL=
List not found:The Web application at could not be found. Verify that you have typed the URL correctly. If the URL should be serving existing content, the system administrator may need to add a new request URL mapping to the intended application.
LicPath=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\template\layouts
LicFile=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\template\Features\AERSSTickerWebpart\License.txt
License File Read Error:Could not find file 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\template\Features\AERSSTickerWebpart\License.txt'.
SSL=TrueSharepoint List not found: WeatherForecast

The list and the webapplication both exist
8/14/2013 17:58 
can you indicate the URL of your “WeatherForecast” List by navigating to the list and then looking it up in the browser’s address bar ?
9/4/2013 09:59 
I have succesfully deployed the WebPart and added it to the Homepage of our SharePoint Site. It is using a BDC List as RSS Source. The only Problem is when i use the Items Link it brings me to an empty ItemView Form. It seems that the given item id doesnt work for a bdc list item.
URL used by the WebPart:
URL that is used by the List itself:
9/5/2013 13:02 
we have now fixed the problem with the "ID" column when using external lists.
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
11/18/2013 12:05 
I also deployed your RSS feed webpart. I get following error:
Unable to load RSS feed: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
My web.config is set for: as discribed on your site.
Trust = medium.
Please help.
11/18/2013 12:16 
can you indicate the RSS feed URL you entered into the web part's "RSS Feed URL" setting ?
11/18/2013 17:16 
Internal and external feeds. Both give same error. Whereas direct access through web browser works fine.
For example, I tried:
11/18/2013 17:40 
this feed should work fine.
Are you using a proxy server that might block your Sharepoint server from reaching out to the internet ?
11/18/2013 23:20 
Hello, I'm using an Amrein form as a way for users to recognize a co-worker. I'm using people picker and allowing them to select multiple people. I'm then using the RSS feed to display the list of people who have been recognized. In my feed, there are unwanted characters...I'm assuming this is caused by the ';' in the list that seperates each name. How can I get rid of those? Example: +++Doe, Jane;#14366;#Smith, John:
11/19/2013 08:49 

Yes, we are using a proxy server and this is set in as described on your site.
But bar in mind we are getting the same error in internal as well as external RSS feeds.
So what am I forgetting?
11/19/2013 11:46 
External Rss Feeds are working now.
Internal Rss feeds give folowing error:
Unable to load RSS feed: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
Any clue how to manage this error?
11/19/2013 11:56 
Just saw a similar problem, where you suggested the following solution:
append an exclamation mark character (“!”) to the end of the “RSS Feed URL” setting.
This didn't work with me.
My version is 1.3.8.
11/19/2013 12:16 
to access an internal feed, please just enter the relative URL of your Sharepoint List (as opposed to the full URL).
11/19/2013 12:29 
I don't really know what you mean.
My internal URL is
11/19/2013 12:39 
just navigate to your Sharepoint List (just the list, not its RSS feed page) and remove the domain part of the URL.

your List's URL is:

now remove the domain part and the trailing "AllItems.aspx":

and enter the above relative URL into the web part's "RSS Feed URL" setting.
11/19/2013 13:18 
Got it. Thank you very. Works fine now.
11/19/2013 14:13 
we have now fixed the problem when using a Person/Group field that allows multiple selections.
Please re-download the current Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
11/19/2013 18:31 
Hey Juerg -- I'm currently displaying an announcement list as a ticker. Is there a way to get the ticker to display text continuously (so that there's no blank space between the end of the ticker and when it restarts)?
11/19/2013 20:15 
Thank you Juerg - it works perfectly!!
11/20/2013 19:13 
this is currently not possible (eg. the ticker will only reappear at the right edge after the message has disappeared at the left edge).
11/28/2013 11:04 
Hi <
it seems to be a great webpart, but unfortunately i can't get it work. I recive Sharepoint List not found error. I use non Sharepoint 2010 With Hebrew Lang Pack. Can it be a problem?
11/28/2013 15:47 
can you indicate
- the URL of the Sharepoint List you would like to display as a feed
- the value you entered into the web part's "RSS Feed URL" setting ?
12/19/2013 12:52 
Is there any way to limit the number of characters of the title that are displayed?

Our business area has some lengthy titles and is wondering of something like "This is the title of the feed Ite..." where the ... follows the cutoff point for the number of characters in title to display.
12/19/2013 17:57 
we have now added the new „titlelength=nn“ option which allows you to truncated the post title to the specified number of characters by entering the below into the web part’s “Options” setting:


Please re-download the current Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
12/30/2013 02:56 
Hi, we're using your RSS feed webpart and it's great :)

One question we have is that we are using it as a "ticker" that display weather alerts from

It displays nicely when there are weather alerts (we have a scrolling orange ticker "bar"), however when there are no alerts (which does happen and is currently the case now) we lose the color and all we see in effectively plain text is what we have in the "Ticker Title".

Is there a way we can have something similar to "No current alerts" scrolling across which retains the orange background when there is nothing being supplied by the feed, or are we stuck with just the text from the "Ticker Title" field with no colored background?

Cheers and keep up the good work :)
12/30/2013 13:09 
we have now added the new „empty=“ option to specify a custom text when no items are returned by the RSS Feed:

Please enter the text to be displayed in the web part’s “Options” setting as follows:

empty= --- no current alerts

Please re-download the current Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
1/16/2014 14:07 
When using <add key="AERS_Marquee" value="1" /> in the web.config the scroll speed is extremely slow, is there any additional speed options while in this mode?
1/16/2014 17:14 
I assume you set the below appSetting in your web.config file:

   <add key="AERS_Marquee" value="1" />

Please make sure to set the web part’s “Scroll Delay” to “1” (fastest).
If it still is too slow, please also enter a value of “2” or “3” into the web part’s “Scroll Amount” setting.
1/17/2014 12:02 
error comes as: unable to load rss feeds. error 403 forbidden.

Please help us to evaluate it, before we buy.
1/17/2014 12:29 
is it a public RSS feed ?
If yes, can you indicate the feed URL and can you also append a "~" tilde character to the URL:


(this solves a problem with RSS feed providers that require a User Agent to be specified in the request).
1/17/2014 12:34 
Yes, it is external rss feed
for example:

please help.

1/17/2014 12:41 
this feed should actually work fine (we checked using the RSS Feed web part).
If appending a "~" tilde character to the end of the feed URL does not help:
Can you check the „defaultProxy“ setting in your web.config file (typically found at c:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\virtualdirectories\80). By default it looks like:

      <proxy autoDetect="true" />

You now might have to add your specific proxy information as follows:

      <proxy usesystemdefault=”false” proxyaddress=”http://xxx:yyyy/” bypassonlocal=”true” />

where “xxx” is your proxy server IP (ISA) and “yyyy” is the port of the proxy.
1/17/2014 13:06 
Thanks for the clue. Our firewall was blocking it.

Thanks again.
1/18/2014 07:14 
Can we have multiple tabs with multiple feeds together, like classical RSS feeds.

1/20/2014 13:14 
yes, you can connect a filter web part (as for example our "Filter" web part (see /apps/page.asp?Q=5835) to add tabs to let users interactively choose a speciifc RSS feed. We can send you instructions on how to set this up.

1/24/2014 16:09 
We have an issue running this web part listed above. When its places on our page on our SharePoint we notice a spike in CPU usage on users machines when they go to the page (which this is shown on our homepage of our SharePoint). It’s a spike on users pc’s specifically, from 10% to 25/29% in CPU usage.
Is this normal? We tested this on several users machines as well as within the IT Dept. We cannot have this issue occur on users machines so for now we have taken the web part off of the SharePoint page. Please advise.
We are running SharePoint 2010 environment, all users are on IE9 (256bit) browser.
1/24/2014 17:12 
please check the web part’s “Use HTML Marquee” setting to circumvent the browser performance problem when using Internet Explorer.
Keith Phillips  
2/3/2014 16:22 
I noticed that a customer was using the webpart to server up weather alerts, we currently have 15 offices across Florida and I was wondering if we could serve up the webpart by office (audience) so that every office would have their own local weather alerts on the page? Is that doable or does this need to go on a wish list?
2/4/2014 19:43 
we actually have the „Weather Enterprise“ web part (see /apps/page.asp?Q=5741 ) which displays the weather according to the current logged-in user’s Active Directory “City” setting.

If you rather need to use the RSS feed (as opposed to the current weather information), we would need to add a new option to allow the RSS Feed web part to use audience targeting to select a specific feed depending on the logged-in user.
2/4/2014 21:25 

We have updated the web part and have "Use HTML Marquee" set in the web part but it is scrolling very slow even with it set to the fastest setting. Any ideas on how to make the web part scroll faster?
2/5/2014 14:36 
please use the value „1“ for the “Scroll Delay” setting (fastest) and increase the “Scroll Amount” setting to 2, 3 or more to make it scroll faster.
2/5/2014 16:47 

I have a list with Company, Source, Date, Headline, and News. I'm using this field template:

<span style="font-size: 10pt; font-weight:bold; color:black">{Company}, <i>{Date}</i>: </span><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-weight:bold; color:red">{Headline} </span><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-weight:bold; color:black">({Source})</span>

How can I make this string clickable so that it shows the default Sharepoint detail URL?
2/5/2014 17:38 
the web part uses the list item's "Title" column to link to the list item's detail page. This behavior can currently not be overirdden. Would it be important to you to be able to assign the link to a different column ?
2/6/2014 09:22 

thanks for the help.
I currently use the "Source" column as "Title" column. If I don't use any field template, the ticker shows the content of this column just fine. On clicking it it shows the list item's detail page.
But when I use {Source} in the field template above, it is not clickable. It would be great, if I somehow could get to the list item's detail page, so that users can access the full text of the News.
2/6/2014 11:45 
Some other issues I found by playing around with the web part:

- Start/Stop Controls are missing the icons (icons are only present when using "Fade" as Scroll Direction)
- Text is cut off horizontally when using bigger font sizes
- Text is cut off horizontally when using "Fade" as Scroll Direction
- HTML Marquee resets to first ticker entry if text of a ticker entry is too long

Tested with IE8 and Firefox 27 on Sharepoint Server 2010.
2/6/2014 14:19 
the start/stop controls were indeed missing in the WSP package. THis has been fixed, so you might re-download the web part, extract the WSP fiel and then update the web part solution.

Regarding the other issues:
could you send us your web part settings and a screen shot illustrating the problem with the text being cut off to [email protected] ?
2/6/2014 14:25 
regarding the "Source" column:
did you rename the List's "Title" column to "Source" ?
2/6/2014 16:17 
I just let one of my colleagues sent you an email with screenshots.

Yes, I renamed the List's "Title" column to "Source".
2/6/2014 18:57 
we have now fixed the issue with the missing link to the detail view if the "Title" column has been renamed and a template is used.
Please also specify the CSS "height" in the web part's "Font Style" setting if you chose a large font.

20pt Lucida Sans;color:brown;height:36px

Please re-download the current Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
2/7/2014 22:44 
Is there a way to set a default message when the source feed doesn't return any results? We use this web part in marquee mode with a SharePoint list view as the source.
2/8/2014 22:26 
we have now added the new „empty=“ option to specify a custom text when no items are returned by the RSS Feed (see my post from December 30, 2013 on this page).
Please re-download the current Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
2/17/2014 16:38 
I am trying to install the webpart using your installation instructions for 2010. I am using the sharepoint admin account on the central admin server. When I run the install2010.bat I get access denied. Any ideas ?
2/17/2014 16:58 
Please make sure to
• Open the CMD windows with the „Run as administrator” option
• Be logged in as a Sharepoint farm administrator
Keith Phillips  
2/18/2014 19:29 

We're using the latest web part and it's configured to use the HTML Marquee, the speed is OK but its very choppy as it goes across the screen is there anything that I can do to smooth out the scroll across the screen?
2/19/2014 16:53 
I think I may have missed something.
I have the Ticker working and I have tried using one of your examples background orange and settings for the font style 20pt Lucida Sans; font-weight:bold; color:red - this seems to work ok - but the orange background is only half the height of the text so I can only see the top half of the text.
What setting have I missed ?
2/19/2014 17:33 
please append the desired ticker height to the web part’s “Font Style” setting as follows:

20pt Lucida Sans;color:brown;height:40px
2/19/2014 17:36 
we actually recommend to use the web part’s built-in JavaScript ticker (as opposed to the HTML ticker) since the JavaScript ticker runs more smoothly.
3/13/2014 21:41 
we are getting the following message "Unable to load RSS feed: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive.".

We are connecting to the following rss feed url:
3/14/2014 11:14 
please append the tilde character ~ to the URL (this adds additional information to the RSS Feed request so that it is accepted by the publisher of the feed :
Jack Vinitsky  
3/28/2014 14:48 
We have a 4 server farm (2 Web front End and 2 Application Servers). How many licenses would I need to buy?
3/29/2014 18:39 
the web part is licensed per Sharepoint web front end server, so you would need 2 licenses.
3/31/2014 19:59 
Hi Juerg,

Is there any way to vary the view using a URL parameter?

I am using the RSS Feed Ticker to show a SharePoint list.
I have five different views associated with that list.
Each view has the same format, but filters on a single column to display different data.

I'd like to use a URL parameter to change the view dynamically.

I have looked at the AE Filter part, but can't seem to find a way to pass any parameter to the AE Ticker web part from the AE Filter.

Is there a defined consumer in the AE Ticker that I can reference using any sort of Filter that will allow me to somehow filter the data?

3/31/2014 21:04 
you actually can connect the RSS Feed web part to the Filter web part:

The AE Filter web part in the above example is configured to use the “Tabs” Filter Type and the below “Default Value” setting:

(eg. the feed URL’s are entered, each one separated by a semicolon and given a “friendly” label using the “|” separator).

Instead of external feed URL’s you can use the following filter setting:
SomeSubsite/Lists/Breaking News:Some Custom View|Your Label;more List Views..
4/23/2014 16:47 
I use this web part to point to an internal SharePoint list. When I do not specify a field template, the description of an item is truncated based on the maximum number of words. However, when I use a field template to pull back the Title and Description, the Description field is no longer truncated. Is there a way to get around this?
4/23/2014 17:02 
to apply truncation to a field used in the field template, please append "/more" to the field name.

Alex Fischer  
4/28/2014 11:56 
Hi, the height of the ticker field won't be changed even if I put in the new lines mentioned here in the web.config:

add key="AERS_TickerHeight" value="40" />
<add key="AERS_TickerDelimiter" value="xxx" />

I put AERS_TickerHeight to 100 (just for test), but nothing changed.

What am I doing wrong (used Version: 1.2.21)


Alex Fischer
4/29/2014 15:01 
please add the desired ticker height (in pixels) into the web part’s “Options” setting.

Alex Fischer  
5/5/2014 08:46 
is there a Chance to get Content displayed in a flashing (blinking) way?

6/25/2014 22:22 
It looks like you mentioned adding vertical scrolling capabilities to a "future release" back in 2010. Will this ever actually be added?
6/26/2014 18:55 
the web part now also supports a "Fade" option which automatically fades the items in and out and also offers optional start/stop/previous/next controls:

7/16/2014 20:14 
Getting the following error in the webpart for an external RSS feed:

Unable to load RSS feed: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out.

The RSS feed is:

Any ideas??
7/17/2014 14:16 
please append a tilde character to the end of the RSS Feed URL in the web part’s “RSS Feed URL” setting:

This avoids the “(504) Gateway Timeout error”
7/29/2014 17:38 
Hi - when using an external feed, is there a way to hide the description text and show only the image included in the feed description? We want to display with the image sized to the left of the date and title of each post. Thanks!
7/30/2014 13:29 

the Facebook RSS feeds actually embed the image in the „Description” section, so we had to add the option to have the web part extract the image from the text.

To only display the image, title and date, please use the below “Field Template” which refers to the image via the "{Picture}" token:

    <td valign=top>{Title}<br>{PubDate}</td>

8/14/2014 12:39 
Hi Juerg
we cannot expand the depth of the ticker line and any text greater than 12pt doesn't display, the bottom of the lettering is obscured.
8/14/2014 15:26 
please specify a „height“ in the web part’s “Font Style” setting as shown in the below example:

12pt Segoe UI;height:34px
9/15/2014 03:21 
Hi Juerg,
Does the web part work across web applications - so if I have a list on webapp1/sites/sitename/listname I can view it on webapp2/sites/sitename2/page1

Hope that makes sense - this is for a 2013 site running in 2010 mode if that makes any difference!
9/15/2014 15:06 
yes, assuming that your users do have at least „View“ permissions on the list.
You will need to enter the List’s RSS Feed URL (with a “!” character appended to it) as displayed in the browser’s address bar when clicking on the “RSS Feed” icon in the list’s ribbon.

9/22/2014 05:37 
Does this webpart allow users to subscribe to the RSS Feed? so that only newly added items are visible in the Feed?
9/23/2014 18:30 
the RSS Feed web part consumes an RSS feed (as opposed to generating a feed), so the users have to subscribe to the underlying feed (either a Sharepoint List or an external feed).
11/19/2014 23:32 
Hi there. When I use the "Body/more" command to truncate the body txt, I get "Body/more" in the results instead of the string.
e.g. <li>{Title} - {Body/more}</li>
* Sample 1 - Body/more
* Sample 2 - Body/more
* Sample 3 - Body/more

When was that feature introduced? Maybe I have an older version of the solution.
11/20/2014 19:05 
the „/more“ option was introduced with version 1.3.8 in October 2013.
1/6/2015 18:15 
We have updated to the lastest version and the /more option is working great. However we are having formatting challenges with a blog feed:

In the web part Field Template we used:
<div class="FeedItemContent">
<div class="FeedItemHeader">
<div class="FeedItemTitle">{Title}</div>
<div class="FeedItemDate">{pubDate}</div>
<div class="FeedItemSummary">{description}</div>

With some CSS
.FeedItemContent {PADDING-TOP: 10px; WORD-WRAP: break-word; WIDTH: 650px;}
.FeedItemTitle { PADDING-TOP: 5px; float: left;}
.FeedItemDate { color: #BDBDBD; float: right;}
.FeedItemSummary{BORDER-BOTTOM: #ccc 1px dashed; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 10px; float: left;}

The CSS doesn't seem to be taking effect.

The same template works great for internal SharePoint blogs but not the RSS feed. What am I doing wrong?

1/12/2015 17:29 
please use lowercase for your CSS class styles (your feed contains the class names in all lowercase):

.feeditemcontent {PADDING-TOP: 10px; WORD-WRAP: break-word; WIDTH: 650px;}
.feeditemtitle { PADDING-TOP: 5px; float: left;}
.feeditemdate { color: #BDBDBD; float: right;}
.feeditemsummary{BORDER-BOTTOM: #ccc 1px dashed; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 10px; float: left;}
2/10/2015 21:41 
Is this web part compatible with O365?
2/11/2015 10:41 
we actually do have an Office365 version of the RSS Ticker web part.
However, the Office365 version is only able to access local Sharepoint Lists (as opposed to accessing Feeds over the Internet). This is due to a limitation imposed by the Sharepoint Online “sandbox” environment which does not allow a web part to access an external site on the internet.
3/9/2015 06:00 
I have a view with column Title which is a link to a .pdf, how to set the Field template to open direct the document instead of the document form.
3/10/2015 04:25 
Hi Juerg,
Can you please show me how to install this web part for SP2013?

3/11/2015 18:10 
please download the SP 2013 installation PDF file from the top of this page.
3/13/2015 15:11 
if you point the RSS Feed web part to a Sharepoint document libary and want to link the document title to the document, please enter the below into the web part's "Options" setting:

linkcolumn=URL Path
3/17/2015 14:30 
I've downloaded a trial version of the webpart and it looks to work well except I can't get the announcements to 'fade' in.

In fact none of the scroll direction settings seem to have any effect on what happens.

When i select:
Left - text scrolls left
Right - text scrolls left
fade - no text is displayed.

I'm trying to display as a ticker from a SharePoint list as opposed to a RSS feed.
I was hoping to get a similar effect to that used on the bbc website?
4/1/2015 18:00 
did you check the web part's "Show Feed as a Ticker" Setting ?
Also, the "Fade" effect uses jQuery so there might be some conflict if your master page also loads the jQuery library.
4/29/2015 19:43 
I am currently testing the rss ticker in our internal Intranet. I am having formatting issues when using multiple feeds in one instance of the web part. For feeds items that have embedded photos, the photo is aligned to the left and the description appears to the right of the photo. Usually the description is brief so the end usually stops before the bottom edge of the photo (sized to 100 pixels). The next feed should appear below the last feed item from the previous feed but it encroaches on the last feed item. The title bar appears right after the last line of the description, aligned to the right of the photo. A screenshot would show this clearer but this forum does not support attachments.

I do have two other issues with the formatting. When using multiple feeds, the "maximum image width" does not apply to the additional feeds. Secondly, when we use the multiple instances of the rss feed ticker web part on a page the uses the "easy tabs" web part, ghosting appears when the instance of the rss feed ticker web part has many feed items (i.e the page is very long). Again, I can provide a screenshot which will show the behavior.


4/29/2015 19:51 
Sorry for the double post earlier.

I need to update my support request from earlier. In regards to the "maximum image width" issue when using multiple feeds, further testing shows that the images from the specific feed does not adhere to the size setting. I isolated the feed into its own separate instance of the web part and the size of the photo stays the same size regardless of the setting.


4/30/2015 12:09 
to avoid having the second feed wrapped please use the below “Field Template”:

<tr style="border-bottom:1px solid silver">
  <td style="width:85px" valign=top>{Picture}</td>
  <td valign=top>

Regarding the issue when using the “Easy Tabs”:
since we do not support the Easy Tabs web part, you actually can connect the RSS Feed web part to the free “Filter” web part (see /apps/page.asp?Q=5835):

The AE Filter web part in the above example is configured to use the “Tabs” Filter Type and the below “Default Value” setting:


(eg. the feed URL’s are entered, each one separated by a semicolon and given a “friendly” label using the “|” separator).
5/8/2015 01:42 
List feed url as below,

I added webpart in http://xyz/sites/test.aspx & updated feed url as above.

I am getting 401 unautorized error.

Does this webpart supports cross web applications List feed?
5/8/2015 19:20 
to access a Sharepoint RSS feed across applications, please append a “!” character to the URL entered into the web part’s “RSS Feed URL” setting:


This option resolves the authentication problem.
6/18/2015 18:29 
Hi Juerg,

you said
"if you point the RSS Feed web part to a Sharepoint document libary and want to link the document title to the document, please enter the below into the web part's "Options" setting:

linkcolumn=URL Path"

But it doesn't work for me.
I have a SP2010 French version.

Where I can find a full documentation for this webpart? in particular for the "Options" field?

Tks in advance
6/19/2015 19:10 
since your site is in French, please use the below „Options“ setting:

linkcolumn=Chemin d'URL
6/23/2015 12:28 
Tks Juerg,

It's OK but only if the "open links in new window" is unchecked.
6/25/2015 21:18 
Can we get Only Date from pubDate instead of Date, Time and Time Zone??
6/26/2015 12:12 
can you indicate the URL of the RSS feed you are using ?
6/28/2015 17:45 
we checked and it seems to also work fine when the “Open Links in new window” setting is checked.
Which types of documents are you using (as eg. PDF, Word, Excel etc.) ?
7/9/2015 14:17 
Pointing the web part to an announcement list, how can I show the pictures (attachments)?
7/9/2015 15:00 
you will need to enter your own template into the web part's "Field Template" setting and refer to the {Attachments} column as shown in the below example:

7/28/2015 16:41 
When using the capability to have 2 feeds in one instance of the webpart, is there any capability at all to have 2 titles, one for each feed? If not is there a way to style each feed separately for color, or have a different delimiter to separate the two feed?
7/28/2015 17:35 
to create a header per RSS feed, please enter “{title}” token into the „Ticker Title” web part setting as shown in the below example:

<p style="font-weight:bold;color:white;padding:3px;margin-top:8px;background-color:orange;margin-bottom:0px">{title}</p>

8/25/2015 15:51 
I have setup a feed for an announcements list. It will not have a header nor will it display the chrome title.

If I am using this in the field template: <li>{Title} <i>{Body} <i>{Modified}, how do I enter the css to style just the Title font size etc?

Or would it be better to use something like this in the font style section:
<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">{Title} </span>
8/26/2015 16:37 
since you are using your own template, it indeed is easiest to directly add the CSS style using the SPAN tag, although you also could use your CSS style sheet and refer to the .AERSlink CSS class which refers to the feed item title.
8/27/2015 17:13 
Can I suppress the html linking in the feed?
8/27/2015 19:37 
to suppress the title link, please enter the below into the web part’s „Field Template“ setting:

9/21/2015 12:14 
Hello Juerg

It seems my "open in new window" option isn't working. It only works when the option "Show feed as ticker" is selected; only then do the items open in a new window. Any Ideas?
9/23/2015 12:45 
we have now added the new „popup“ option (to be entered into the web part’s “Options” setting to allow you to open the RSS feed post in a new browser window as opposed to in a Sharepoint dialog window.

Please enter the below into the “Options” setting:


Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update.
10/2/2015 18:17 
I am using a SharePoint announcement list and want to scroll it like a ticker. I have it working up to the point of styling. I can add styling to the Ticker title and that works and I can add color to the item titles, but if I try to change the font size or background in the font style, it overrides the settings I added to the Ticker Title.

How can I have settings specifically for the ticket title and other settings for the feed titles?
10/4/2015 14:41 
please see the below examples on how to style the ticker title and ticker delimiter:

Ticker Title:
<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;background-color:white> *ALERT* </span>

Ticker Delimiter:
<span style="font-weight:bold;color:red">+++</span>
10/6/2015 16:21 
Hi Juerg,
Is there any way to provide a message when there is nothing returned in the RSS feed? I have added some text to the footer but that always stays and our client would like a cleaner look if there is no content in the RSS feed.
10/6/2015 19:45 
you can specify the message to be displayed when no items are returned by aentering the below into the web part's "Options" setting:

empty=your customized message
11/4/2015 15:40 
I receive the following error when I apply the RSS feed webpart 'Unable to load RSS feed: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.' any thoughts on what this means at all?
11/6/2015 13:42 
please append a "~" tilde character to the end of the feed URL as entered into the web part’s “RSS Feed URL” setting.

If this does not help:
Can you check the „defaultProxy“ setting in your web.config file, typically found at


By default it looks like:

    <proxy autoDetect="true" />

You now might have to add your specific proxy information as follows:

    <proxy usesystemdefault=”false” proxyaddress=”http://xxx:yyyy/” bypassonlocal=”true” />

where “xxx” is your proxy server IP (ISA) and “yyyy” is the port of the proxy.
11/24/2015 18:30 
I have set his web part to "Show Feed as a Ticker", "Show Start/Stop Controls" and use the Fade option. I would like the width set to 100% so that it is as wide as the page. Can you let me know how to do this. Thanks.
11/24/2015 19:19 
to set the ticker to a 100% width, please enter the below into the web part's "Options" setting:

css=.ticker {width:90%} .ticker-wrapper {width:100% !important}
12/14/2015 15:26 
Hi i have my rss feed ticker pointing to a sharepoint list and was just informed that an employee doesn't see it. i checked permissions and they have permission to teh site, why would they not be able to see it? I can't add the ! as we are linking to the list and don't want folks to have to subscribe to an RSS feed. thoughts?
Jamie Tee  
12/18/2015 02:14 
Love the web part and all you do. I am getting two images on every item that's displayed in the feed. Doesn't show up that way in my browser.
12/18/2015 19:40 
can you indicate the URL of your RSS feed ?
2/10/2016 23:38 
We recently ran a visual upgrade of one of our site collections to 2013, and the webpart no longer opens blogs (from sharepoint blog site) in the modal. If we use chrome or open IE "in private mode", the modals work without issue. However, when just launching IE normally, the modal does not launch and we see the following error in the browser console: SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'showModalDialog' of undefined or null reference. We see this behavior regardless of security access and seems to have something to do with cacheing in IE, but we can't be sure. We are currently in version 1.3.34
2/11/2016 16:01 
is the web part placed on a publishing page ?
If yes, please update to the current version (1.3.54)
4/1/2016 06:26 
When trying to add the Audio & Video Podcast Web Part to the page in SharePoint, i am getting the this error"Unable to load Podcast feed: Unable to connect to the remote server" i am currently using the Trial Version and i am using the external podcast feed Url:"" and Itunes podcast ID:"321200096", Please advice as soon as possible.
4/1/2016 13:50 
your Sharepoint web frontend server is currently not allowed to reach out to the internet.

Can you thus change the „trust level” line in your Sharepoint application's web.config file from

<trust level="WSS_Medium" originUrl="" />


<trust level="WSS_Medium" originUrl=".*" />

eg. insert the “.*” characters into the originUrl attribute
This should allow Web Service calls to any destination.
4/11/2016 10:54 

We recently migrate our collection sites from SharePoint foundation 2010 to SharePoint server 2013.

RSS Feed webpart works great in the former plateform.
Since migration, we have 2 kinds of errors.

1/ For the same list and webpart : some items are good, with a photo, a title and a date. For other, It shows an error instead of photo : "Template Field error 'Photo' : la longueur ne peut être inférieur à zéro. Nom du paramètre : length {Photo}.
The result is different for an another webpart in the same RSS Feed.

2/ Instead of photo, we have error '{Photo}000000;font-size:11px;">'. It appears at the beginning of description.
4/11/2016 17:11 
your content database migration process seems to have affected some of the list content. We thus have added extra code to check for the consitency of the data to be displayed by the web part.
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update.
Tara Leavitt  
8/9/2016 18:06 
We are running into an issue when using a people picker column in the list, if multiple people are selected, the ticket gives odd characters.
In looking thru this feed I see someone else addressed the issue but I didn't see resolution. Please advise.

11/18/2013 23:20 Hello, I'm using an Amrein form as a way for users to recognize a co-worker. I'm using people picker and allowing them to select multiple people. I'm then using the RSS feed to display the list of people who have been recognized. In my feed, there are unwanted characters...I'm assuming this is caused by the ';' in the list that seperates each name. How can I get rid of those? Example: +++Doe, Jane;#14366;#Smith, John:
8/10/2016 13:34 
the issue was fixed with version 1.3.9 in November 2013.
Please thus re-download the Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution (the current version is 2.0.4).
9/21/2016 18:15 
I install this WebPart but I have one trouble : the picture doesn't not appear completely.
I have only a "banner picture". I modified "Maximum Image Width", but nothing change

Thank you for helping

Thank you
Vishal Nayan  
9/21/2016 20:40 
Hi There,

Can we Filter the content from Feeds in Web part , like need to get only particular company related news.
9/22/2016 19:25 
can you send a screen shot to [email protected] to illustrate the issue ?
9/22/2016 19:26 
are you using an exteranl RSS feed or are you pointing the web part to a Sharepoint List ?
10/13/2016 16:57 
I have amended the height of the web part, but if increase the text to anything higher than the default, it cuts off some of the text either top or bottom - using ticker.
10/16/2016 19:32 
can you send us your web part settings („Miscellaneous“ section only) to [email protected] ?
Lil S  
12/30/2016 18:46 
Hi Juerg, love this web part, in fact I love all your webparts. I have used the ticker webpart to address a number of content presentation challenges for more than 5 years. Your products and support has been outstanding. In a new use case, I have a challenge with the dollar sign from a "Value" field not displaying in the scroll window. From a SP list, the "value" is a currency field, however the ticker displays the value without the dollar sign, is there a way for me to get it to display the $ sign in my "value" field in the scrolling window? Thanks
1/2/2017 15:56 
you simply can prefix your “Currency” list field in the web part’s “Field Template” setting with a “$” sign as illustrated below:

Field Template:
{Title} ${Price}
7/27/2017 20:37 
Is it possible to show only the month and date using <PubDate> instead of getting the time zone and timestamp?
7/28/2017 13:42 
yes, please add the below option to the web part’s „Options“ setting to display the date as “M/D/YYYY”:


There are many ways to format the date, so if you need to format it in a different way, please just ask.
9/5/2017 20:47 

I'm trying to configure/add the following RSS Feed URL:

I'm getting the following error message:
Unable to load RSS feed: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.

I noticed that if I try to access the RSS Feed URL in Firefox or Chrome, it prompts me for my credentials (SSO). After inputting my credentials, I'm able to access the feed within the internet browsers with no problems.

From just doing a search through the previously posted comments here...I noticed that there were some suggestions to appending the end of the URL with an "!". I tried this but it did not work for me:!

Any insight for the error at hand would be greatly appreciated.

9/7/2017 13:44 
your Sharepoint web frontend server (which is accessing the feed on the user’s behalf) is not able to automatically authenticate when accessing the other server hosting the RSS feed (this is known as the double-hop problem: the user passes the credentials to the Sharepoint server but these credentials cannot be passed on to another server within the network).

You can try the below URL (eg. the original URL with a “$” appended to its end) which uses the account assigned to the Sharepoint web application pool:$
Sean C  
1/31/2018 18:22 
We are having issues with an RSS feed. I've tried to add "~", "$", and "|ssl" to the end of the URL. The feed is this:

We are getting this error:
Unable to load RSS feed: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.

The feed works outside of the web part.

Could you please assist?

Sean C  
1/31/2018 18:31 
FYI - I just updated to the latest version 2.0.17 and it is still now working.

1/31/2018 18:40 
the feed seems to work fine for us.
Do you have any Proxy/Firewall settings that might prevent your Sharepoint WFE server to reach this URL ?
1/17/2019 19:01 
Juerg - does this RSS web part read/display the <content:encoded> embedded in a news feed?
1/17/2019 19:09 
can you give an example of an RSS feed that uses this tag ?
1/17/2019 19:32 
Juerg - this is the feed I will be working with:
1/17/2019 20:05 
yes, please add the below to the web part's "Options" setting to re-define the "description" XML tag:

Sean C  
2/25/2019 22:05 
Is there a way to pass credentials through the web part to authenticate to a password protected RSS feed? I noticed this was mentioned awhile back but there was not a solution.

Sean C
2/26/2019 10:57 
the web part is not able to transparently pass credentials to an RSS feed (this also would depend on the way the feed implements the authentication).
4/16/2019 15:59 
Looking to use this webpart however, I keep getting the unable to find sharepoint list error, despite the feed URL

site/lists/name of list

still isn't working though. Any ideas?
4/16/2019 16:07 
Dan,can you indicate

- what you entered into the web part's "RSS Feed URL" setting
- the URL of the Sharepoint List to be used as the feed source ?
4/16/2019 16:32 
Thanks for coming back Juerg.

So in address is http://discovery/Lists/RYProto/ticker.aspx

and I have added RSS feed URL: /Lists/RYProto

grateful for your assistance
4/16/2019 16:45 
your setting looks OK.
Can you indicate the exact error message you get ?
4/17/2019 06:56 
The errors say ‘SharePoint list not found: /List/RYProto’
4/17/2019 07:32 
Could the problem be in relation to the list not having a description field?

Well in fact, it does have a description field but it has been reused. if this is the cause of the problem is there a way if by passing the RSS feed, to prevent it looking for a description field?
4/17/2019 10:13 
can you temporarily enter


into the web part's "Options" setting and then send us the additional output generated by the web part to [email protected]  ?
4/17/2019 10:23 
Sure. This is the output:

AE RSS Ticker Web Part

AE RSS Ticker Web Part Menu

Sharepoint List not found: /Lists/RYProto
•SP Version=15|Build=4995
•Option trace=1
•Feed URL=/Lists/RYProto
•Page URL=http://discovery/Pages/Red-and-Yellow-dashboard.aspx
List URL=http://discovery//Lists/RYProto
•Web LCID=1033
•Current Locale=1033|en-US
•List not found:List 'RYProto' does not exist at site with URL 'http://discovery'.
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListCollection.GetListByName(String strListName, Boolean bThrowException) at AERSSTickerWebpart.AERSSTicker.RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter writer)

4/17/2019 10:53 
since your lists is actually named „Red and Yellow Flags“, please rather enter the below into the web part’s “RSS Feed URL” setting:

/Lists/Red and Yellow Flags

eg. enter the List's "display" name (as opposed to the list's "internal" name)
4/17/2019 10:54 
And as simple as that… it works!

Very sorry to waste your time! But thank you so much for your assistance. Your webparts are making a positive impact on our SP environment, and the support you provide is second to none! So thank you!

David Y.  
6/11/2019 15:32 
We are receiving the following error on our Sharepoint 2007 site:

Unable to load RSS feed: the underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.

We are using version 2.0.15 of the webpart

This is the RSS Feed URL:

6/11/2019 17:56 
we checked and the URL should work fine.
This thus must be a Proxy/Firewall setting that prevents your Sharepoint WFE server(s) to reach this URL.
Please note that the WFE server actually accesses the URL (as opposed to the browser), so you might check your proxy/firewall settings.
7/26/2019 14:46 
We haven't tried this web part yet but it looks very nice. On some of our sites, we may not want the feed to scroll. Is there an option to turn scrolling off? -thanks!
7/26/2019 15:25 
you can configure each RSS Feed web part individually as eg. using the ticker option or not.
Just turning scrolling off would most probably only show a fraction of the information.
7/26/2019 15:51 
Sounds good - thanks!
9/25/2019 00:12 
What the proper way to separate multiple Options when more than one is needed? I've tried semi-colons, commas, and spaces, but those don't seem to work. -thanks!
9/25/2019 10:09 
please use the "|" pipe character to seaprate multiple options.
9/25/2019 17:21 
Perfect - thanks!
10/8/2019 14:17 
Nice webpart, but how can i change the format from the pubdate in the webpart instead of the appsetting. Now it shows as follow:
Tue, 08 Oct 2019 10:37:00 +0200. We want to show the pubdate without the GMT.
10/9/2019 14:10 
are you using the on-premise or the Office 365 version of the web part ?
Also, can you indicate the URL of your RSS feed ?
10/11/2019 08:30 
Where using SP 2016 on premise.
De rss feed url where using:
10/11/2019 09:57 
to supprt the date without displayin ght eGMT offset, please add the below into the web part's "Options" setting:

10/15/2019 10:05 
Thx. Exactly what we wanted.
4/29/2020 18:52 

I have successfully pointed the RSS Feed to a page library (and specific view) which sits on a separate SharePoint site. The items pull through but i click on any of the items for the RSS feed, they fail to open - saying the link is broken?

any ideas please?
4/29/2020 19:48 
are you pointing the web part to a publishing "Pages" library or a "Site Pages" containing "wiki" pages ?
4/30/2020 08:28 

Thanks for your response. It’s to a publishing page library
4/30/2020 12:20 
this actually should work fine.
What exactly did you enter into the web part's "RSS Feed URL" setting ?
Can you also indicate your web part's version number ?
4/30/2020 13:45 
Its Version 2.0.23.

I can see by right clicking on an item on the RSS feed that it is adding this string to the url: ?dummy=1&Source=/site/subsite/library/page.aspx
which is causing a broken link error when selected.
4/30/2020 13:59 
In the path:

/discovery/pages:Latest KM newsletters
4/30/2020 14:42 
can you right-click anywhere on the page containing the web part, select "view page source" and then send us the page source to [email protected] for inspection ?
11/2/2020 13:51 
We wish to purchase this web part for the first time for our customer's SP 2016 on premise environment. Do we need to purchase the license ($75) AND the upgrade ($40)? Want to be sure to have what is needed for the part to work.
11/2/2020 13:54 
you just need to purchase the license (one licenses is needed for each Sharepoint web frontend server).
The upgrade fee is only for customers who want to upgrade the web part to SP 2016 and/or 2019.
11/30/2020 10:31 
Hi, Juerg!

I was trying out your RSS Feed Ticker Sharepoint Web Part and bumped into the problem of PNG images not being displayed in the web part (unlike JPEG images which work perfectly fine). Even the images with actual .jpg extension but type="image/png" are not displayed.

Images in RSS channel are coming through the tags as per example below:
<enclosure url="{URL}" length="133412" type="image/png" />

Anyway, I was wondering if you could help me by elaborating more on how to make png images visible on the web part. Could it be achieved through the use of Field Template option?
11/30/2020 12:50 
we were now able to fix this issue („PNG“ enclosures not being displayed).
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
12/21/2020 10:31 
Hi Juerg!

Thanks for your previous message, everything worked fine for the images.

However, now I'm experiencing issues with one particular RSS channel at I have 6 more channels in the tabs and this one is 7th. In the web part the contents for the channel are blank even though you can see from the link it's not empty. Could you advice on what could be done to debug the issue?
12/21/2020 12:23 
we noticed that the web part only supports up to 6 tabs.
We have now expanded this limit to 10 tabs.
Please re-download the updated Zip file, extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
12/24/2020 05:17 
Hi Juerg,

Is there a right way to display news (ex. 4 items) in a row using the Field Template? Using <table> tag only helps to arrange Title, Picture, PubDate and Description for one item, but I wanted to arrange 4 items in a row to make the news in SP13 closer to the modern Thumnails view.
1/4/2021 15:36 
you actually can apply an item template via the web part’s „Field Template“ setting to display up to 4 items per row:

<div style='float:left;width:24%;margin-right:8px'>{picture}<p>{Title}<br>{description}</p></div>
3/25/2021 18:47 
I'm also need an RSS feed web part that can pass credentials (login and password) to authenticate. Any plans for this feature?
4/13/2021 13:38 
Hello Juerg,
I configured the webpart as following:
Scroll Direction: Slider, Showing Slider Bullets and Show Feed as a Ticker.
My problem is that only the first entry of the connected Sharepoint List is displayed. Although there are only 3 entries in the list, I can see 4 bullets. I think that I can see at least one other entry for a short time when the slider is switching from the first to the second bullet. When looking at the HTML (in Chrome) I am able to locate the missing list items but they stay invisible.
I'm using Release 2.0.32 with SP 2013.
4/13/2021 17:57 
the error indeed is present if using the „slider“ option in combination with a Sharepoint list and no custom “Field Template”.
You thus could add your template to the “Field Template” setting to bypass the issue as eg.

{Title}<br>{some other column}.. etc.

We also have fixed the issue so you might want to re-download and update the web part when working without using the “Field Template” setting.
7/10/2023 18:52 
I am using an external RSS feed. Even though the feed is rendered there is a red warning that says "SharePoint list not found". How do I correct this? Thank you.
7/11/2023 11:03 
please make sure that your "RSS Feed URL" setting starts with "http://" or "https://" (please also use all lowercase).
Ali Nick  
11/13/2023 14:19 
I would like to change the font size of title to 30px and color to #e7a82c, how can i apply this style to .AERSTitle class. Thanks
11/14/2023 14:12 
please add the below to the web part's "Options" setting:

css=.AERStitle {font-size:30px;color:#e7a82c}

  RSS Feed   
Easy to install, customize and configure. Inexpensive yet reliable and flexible solutions that are a great addition to any SharePoint site.

Daniel Grandestaff, Merrick & Company

This web part is available for:
SharePoint 2010
SharePoint 2013
SharePoint 2016
SharePoint 2019
SharePoint SE
SharePoint 2019 'modern'
SharePoint SE 'modern'
Office 365