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2019/SE Modern Web Parts  

Digital Clock Webpart  

Alerts Webpart  

Event Manager Webpart  

Sitemap Webpart  

Stock Chart Webpart  

Stock Quotes Webpart  

Dilbert Webpart  

Mega Menu Webpart  

Quote of the Day Webpart  

Webpart Tabs Webpart  

"Spotlight On.." Webpart  

"Tip of the Day" Webpart  

Lightbox Webpart  

Page HeaderSolution  

Tabs & Accordion Webpart  

Weather Webpart  

Slideshow Webpart  

Currency Rates Webpart  

Media Player Webpart  

YouTube Player Webpart  

Map Chart Webpart  

Org Chart Webpart  

Tiles Webpart  

Chart Webpart  

Google Chart Webpart  

Hero Webpart  

News Tiles Webpart  

Cafeteria Webpart  

RSS Feed Ticker Webpart  

SQL Viewer Webpart  

Google Map Webpart  

Quick Poll Webpart  

Quick Survey Webpart  

Audio Player Webpart  

Geo Mapper Webpart  

SQL Chart Webpart  

Exchange Calendar Webpart  

Exchange Events Webpart  

Call to Action Webpart  

Quick Links Webpart  

Filter Webpart  

Image Rotator Webpart  

Navigator Webpart  

KPI Webpart  

Page Hits Webpart  

Picture Menu Webpart  

Timer Webpart  

Podcast Webpart  

SQL Bullet Graph Webpart  

User Spotlight Webpart  

List View Webpart  

Staff Directory Webpart  

Birthday Reminder Webpart  

News Carousel Webpart  

Team Members Webpart  

Christmas Webpart  

Classifieds Webpart  

Image Menu Carousel Webpart  

Timeline Webpart  

Banner Rotator Webpart  

AZ Index Webpart  

Blog Roll Up Webpart  

Discussion Roll Up Webpart  

Document Roll Up Webpart  

News Roll Up Webpart  

Task Roll Up Webpart  

Calendar Roll Up Webpart  

Quick Form Webpart  

Twitter Webpart  

Upcoming Events Webpart  

Welcome Webpart  

Color Calendar Webpart  

Image Carousel Webpart  

Metro Grid Webpart  

Goal Thermometer Webpart  

Swipe Gallery Webpart  

List Items Webpart  

List Rotator Webpart  

List Search Webpart  

Bullet Graph Webpart  

Accordion & Tabs Bundle  

Accordion List Webpart  

Tabs List Webpart  

Microblog/Chat Webpart  

Toast Notifications  

Vacation Planner Webpart  

Multilevel Tile Webpart  

Inspired Tiles Webpart  

Facebook Timeline Webpart  

File Explorer Webpart  

Zip Creator  


Web Part Bundle  

Web Parts by Category  

Microblog/Chat Web Part

This web part is NOT part of the bundle offered on this web site! Please contact us on [email protected] for questions regarding bundle offers.

The Microblogging web part adds real-time communication and discussion on the platform itself to SharePoint 2010. It works very similary to a chat, with the benefit to be transparent to the other team members.

You will be able to share any thoughts and ideas at your fingertips. You will see comments and ideas from your colleagues in real time and vice versa! No need to install/use a local chat component.

It is useful for the quick exchange and communication inside a site or in the context of some activity there, and thus fostering collaboration and coordination.

Discussions with most recent replies are shown at top. Within the discussions you see the most recent replies. Their order is historical the older on top, the most recent at bottom. This ensures the sequential readability of the discussion.

The standard configuration of this web part is to show the pictures of the user profiles and to have a background color for the replies. In case you don’t have user profile pictures on your SharePoint installation, you can hide them. The same applies for the background color. You can hide it at your convenience.

Furthermore you can define how many discussions will be shown when loading the page. Discussions and replies can be expanded and collapsed. Other parameters like update intervals etc. are configurable.

We released the MicroBlogPlus for you and it is packed with a lot of new, useful features, such as:
  • Post rating: If activated, user can highlight posts by voting for them, helping others to find useful entries faster
  • An option for adding a master mail account to that is sent every post for easy moderating the blog
  • The user can now simply click on follow and can receive automatically the updates on an entry they are interested in
  • URLs and mail addresses are now automatically turned into links
  • It is now possible to limit the number of characters in each post to keep the information compact
  • Also the Microblogging Plus is ready for Sharepoint 2013
  • Pictures within blog posts are possible

Please be aware that the MicroBlog and the MicroBlogPlus use similar web recources, therefore look that you have not both of them installed at the same time.

The MicroBlog speaks your language! If you want to add your language to the blog, we are happy to help you integrate it in our web part. Until now the following languages are supported: English, French, German, Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and now also Hebrew (rtl).

The MicroBlog now also supports the right-to-left mode. If you want to add a language that writes from right to left, just contact us - we are happy to assist you.

The new picture feature cannot be used if you run on SharePoint 2010 AND use the Internet Explorer due to the fact that Internet Explorer runs as version 8 on normal installations of SP2010 and therefore will not support HTML5. In this case the upload buttons will automatically be hidden. On SharePoint 2013 it doesn't matter what browser you are using.

Product Price
Microblogging Plus Web Part
30 days Evaluation Version
Free download..
Microblogging Web Part
30 days Evaluation Version
Free download..
Microblogging Plus Web Part
License Key
per Server License
USD 490.00
This web part is provided by Cellworks, a partner of Amrein Engineering. 
Deployment Instructions for SP 2010     download..

Version history:
1.0: Initial version
1.1: Full compatibility with SharePoint Foundation and bug fixes
2.0: Initial version MicroBlog Plus
2.1: Support of pictures
2.2: Added option for changing text color

Microblogging, a real time, context oriented discussion platform for SharePoint 2010

Installation Instructions:

  1. Download the Microblogging Web Part Installation Instructions (PDF file) 
  2. Deploy the feature to your server/farm as described in the instructions.
  3. Navigate to a page where you would like to place the webpart and choose "Site Actions/Edit Page"
  4. Add the web part to the appropriate zone. The web part is listed in the "VEA" or "CellWorks" web part gallery section. The first time, you add the web part, you need to have owner/administrator rights on the site, so the web part can create the corresponding list.
  5. After adding the Microblog web part, you may proceed to the configuration of the web part.
  6. Configure the following Web Part properties in the Web Part Editor "Micro Blog" pane section as needed:
  • Title: Set the title of your web part. Good practice is to select a name representing the context of discussion.
  • Hide Profile Pictures: Select this option, if you don’t want to post the user profile pictures or if they are not available. Settings will only be visible after refreshing the page.

  • Hide Subblog Background: Select this option to discard the background of the replies.

  • My Site Host URL: Please enter the root URL of your My Site Host here. The URL should end with /.
  • Blog Update Interval: Set the update interval to check for new blog entries. The value is set in seconds. The webpart polls regularly the server on new entries. We have used the least resource intensive way possible. Still, with many active users, the updating can create some load on the server. If you experience this, set the parameter to longer update intervalls.
  • Date Time Update Interval: Set the update interval for the actual age of discussions and replies.
  • Visible Sub Blog Entries: Define the default of how many replies you will see per discussion visible.
  • Navigating the replies section: Click on the green replies link 6 replies (recent) to collapse replies. Click it 6 replies (collapsed) again to expand replies.
    Click on All replies to see all replies. The green link shows: 6 replies (all). Click on Recent replies only to switch back to the most recent replies only.
  • More Entries Count: Define the number of additional discussions to be shown, when clicking the Older discussion link at the bottom left of the web part.
  • Start Entries Count: Define default number of discussions to be shown, when page loads.
  • Navigating the discussion: Click on Older discussion to expand your discussions by the number defined in “More Entries Count”.
    Click on Recent discussion only to switch back to the original number of discussions shown.
  • Identifier: This is a unique identifier for each micro blog. You can add additional Micro Blogging Web Parts to different pages of the same site. If you want to refer them to the same discussions, you need to copy and paste this identifier.
  • License Key: Here you enter the license key for your purchased web part.

Please enter a comment below if you have problems with the installation, want to give feedback or have suggestions for improvements:

User Comments Post a Comment 

Dan Neuman  
9/22/2011 00:18 
For users that don't have contribute privileges, can I hide the "Please Enter a comment" section and the submit button? I hate teasing someone with something they can't do.
9/22/2011 11:51 
Hi Dan, our thinking so far was to hide the web part altogether for people that cannot contribute, or to give them special rights on the list that they can contribute to this one thing. A "conversation" is something different than e.g. posting documents or announcements. Showing a conversation, but not allowing to contribute at least in principle - isn't that like taping somebodies mouth? We have worked with many organisations and have seen that people only contribute if they have something to say - and then you do not want to shut them down.
But we are happy to hear other opinions about this.
Dan Neuman  
9/22/2011 23:54 
I want to create a view of the underlying list for a "moderator". Is there a way to order the items so they appear in the same order as the micro blog webpart?
9/23/2011 10:08 
Hi Dan, thanks for the question. Relevant for the List are the fields ID, MB_MasterBlogID, MB_LastUpdate,MB_Message,Created_By. If you use several MicroBlogs in the same site, you want to add MB_Identifier_1 to it, which filters for the specific Microblog. The initial conversation starters (the first post) gets the MB_MasterBlogID "0", and the field "MB_LastUpdate has the time of the last post in the conversation, so it is updated each time there is a new reply.
If you sort by MB_MasterBlogID ascending, then by MB_LastUpdate descending, you get in the beginning of the list the Master-Entries as they appear in the MicroBlog. The Reply-Entries refer in MB_MasterBlogID to the ID of the Master-Entries.
So a user needs to identify first the Master-Entry, take the ID and then go to the subentries in the list accordingly. A moderator can delete any entry without fundamental problems, in order to avoid orphans it is advisable to delete all Replies, if you delete the Master. If you delete the latest Reply, the order might not be correct any more, since the Master gets that date put into his time stamp. But that should not be a big problem.

Please use a Moderator only to delete Spam or similar - if you delete "real messages", it usually undermines trust in a tool like this.
9/29/2011 18:56 
Thanks Hermann, this post about the structure of the Micro_Blog is very useful.
11/2/2011 15:00 
Hi, as John did on October 28th, we installed, deployed and activated the webpart with no issue. But, unfortunately, the webpart (or its VEA folder) cannot be seen in the webpart list (even when scrolling down as kindly recommended). Many thanks in advance for your help.
11/3/2011 10:58 
Hi John (and David) - I just got the comment from David that the reason for the problem of the web part not appearing might be due to the fact that SharePoint requires a separate activation per site collection, per variation of language. David did this and the web part became available as it should.
2/10/2012 17:17 
Super support!!

Bei uns funktionierte das Webpart leider von Anfang an nicht korrekt. Wir wurden von den Entwicklern wirklich super unterstützt - und haben jetzt ein funktionierendes Webpart - weiter So!

Liebe Grüße
4/19/2012 23:04 
when I want to go to profile of the person to answer a question o comment Doesn't show the profile, how I senttings the webpart for to it send me to the profile of a person to answer a comment?
4/21/2012 00:20 
when I click on a username I should send her profile but not send, where it set up
Support Team  
4/23/2012 15:45 
laureano, adriano:

you have to enter the site url under "my site url" in the configuration. to have a link from the usernames.

Regards, Reto
6/13/2012 16:28 
Hello, does this webpart require us to turn on My Sites? We have not implemented My Sites for our employees yet.
6/13/2012 23:38 
Hello, a couple more questions:
Is it possible to add and display some fields, such as Rating and Category. So, discussions could be grouped by Category?
I tried to change the webpart form color from black to some other color. But, unable to do that. Is it possible? Thanks,
Support Team  
6/20/2012 11:35 
Irfan, you don't need to have turned on my sites to use this web part. It is not posible to group discussions. I sent you an email, with the updated version of the web part where the problem with the color is solved. Soon the version to download will be updated as well.
Wendi Sabo  
8/2/2012 20:04 
Is there a way to tag others in your post or add pictures? This would be a great feature to have for this web part. If not is there another webpart that we can add that will have that functionality? The kicker is I want it seamless inthe site as it is for an intranet and I don't want my users to have to sign up, or set up another profile; i want it to pull from Active Directory and SharePoint 2010. Please let me know! Thank you, Wendi
Support Team  
8/3/2012 14:17 
I added your request to the list of the updates for the next release. But I cannot tell if and when this function will make it into to web part at this point.
9/11/2012 19:11 
Hello Amrien
Is this web part only for use by authenticated users or can it be used on a pubic facing site with anonymous users? If so what security setting need to be set?
10/11/2012 15:24 
Can you inform us about the funcion "context url" and the following context url parameters?!
Support Team  
10/17/2012 11:16 
Matteo: With a puclic facing site it should work also. But every User will have the same account. Up to now it is not yet possible to define a username in this mode.

With these settings you can configure that when the mouse cursor is placed over the name of a contributor, it will open a window with the profile page. The account name will be added at the end of the link.
Lia M  
10/18/2012 20:58 
Is there a way to edit the post. How to delete it , if it was posted by mistake to the incorrect blog topic?
Support Team  
11/23/2012 15:49 
Lia, that is only possible in the list "MicroBlog" directly. From the UI of the Blog itself that is not possible.
4/3/2013 12:22 
Can you add an option to expand/collapse all?
Support Team  
4/5/2013 13:43 
Paul, I added your request to the list of the updates for the next release. But I cannot tell if and when this function will make it into to web part at this point.
Chris Goddard  
5/14/2013 18:04 
Is it possible to amend the 'Share and Discuss' and 'Please enter a comment...' text.

Would also be good if you could like or rate an entry
Tim Smithson  
5/14/2013 21:14 
What would it take to upgrade the web part for IOS, so that iPhone users could use it for posting?
Support Team  
5/15/2013 01:02 
Chris, unfortunately these text parts are not changable, but they are changing with the user language if supported. Your idea with the rating is already on our list of possible future updates.
Tim, no, there is no version for the IOS planned right now.
7/20/2013 15:35 
Any possibility of adding a search tool?
Support Team  
7/22/2013 17:45 
This is not planned for the next update so far.
Polly Kahler  
10/16/2013 18:33 
Our default user name is lastname, firstname - since the micro blog is great for casual conversation having the name formatted this way next to the picture is a bit off-putting. Is there a setting we can use to format the user name to firstname lastname. Ours isn't hyperlinked to the profile either, which would be a nice thing, though the name order is my primary concern. Thanks as always. POLLY
Support Team  
10/17/2013 16:10 
Polly, unfortunately the micro blog receives that as one string, thus in one part. Since every company has its own way to dispay a default user name, there is no basis to give you a tool to change this in a proper way.
1/10/2014 23:41 
Hi Juerg,
We just installed this and I was testing the "Follow" and have a comment.
It worked, but when I click on the link, it takes me to the site home page.
The Blog was actually on a wiki page... I have a seperate wiki page for each of your parts that I test.

Is that the way it's supposed to work or should it be directing me to that specific Page/Blog or Post?

1/13/2014 12:44 
Is it possible to allow all users to add a comment in this webpart, where as, the same user may have read access on all other webparts.
Support Team  
1/13/2014 18:04 
Mike, please write us directly at info at cellworks ch we have tested this issue but have some further questions.

Rajeev, User that haven't sufficient permissions need to be added on the microblog lists with contribute permission, then it will be no problem for them using the micro blog.

1/28/2014 02:23 
Hi Is it work for sharepoint 2013?
Support Team  
1/28/2014 10:05 
Zara, yes the MicroBlogPlus works with SharePoint 2013, but not anymore with the foundation versions.
3/13/2014 23:37 
Where would I go to manage the microblog? With a regular blog, there’s always a “managed posts” area where I can go if I need to delete something or edit it. Can’t seem to find where that exists for this one.
Support Team  
3/14/2014 16:22 
Tara, please see the entry from hermann 9/23/2011 about deleting entries. That can be done directly in the list.
3/17/2014 12:54 
I red that post but i still dont see where you affiliate the list piece and idont see any information from the instructions provided. Do you have any details specifially for setting up the list associated to the microblog?
Editing Comments and Replys  
3/19/2014 15:21 
How do I edit or delete a comment or reply? I don't expect to do this often, but I do want the option in case someone posts something inappropriate just wants to make a simple text correction. We plan to us this on our intranet if we can find out how to correct or delete items.
Support Team  
3/21/2014 15:33 
Tara, as indicated via email, you can find the microblog list under "All Site Content", when you are logged in as Administrator.
4/24/2014 20:59 
Is there a way to show the same feed across multiple web applications in the same ShaerPoint farm?
Support Team  
4/24/2014 23:14 
William, yes there is an option for the MicroBlog Plus. Under ‘Microblog Settings’ there is a field 'List Host URL' where you can enter the path to the site of your other blog. You will need to have the same identifier. If your first blog is in the root page for example, you just enter ‘/’ to point to this one. Important is, that you need to have the first blog setup already and you will need to reload the page after the settings are made.
7/25/2014 12:34 
Does this work with MOSS 2007 or do you have a similar product that would work as a simple to use forum i.e. where our users could post a question and get a reply.
Support Team  
7/28/2014 11:25 
Bala, we are currently working on that feature, please look in week or two for the latest build of this web part.
Kieran, no unfortunately this web part doesn't work in MOSS because it makes use of different function, that require at least SP2010.
10/13/2014 16:06 
Juerg, Our sharepoint admin tried to install the Microblog webpart in the 2007 environment and gets this error:
C:\ACI\WebParts\VEAMicroBlog>"c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web
Server Extensions\12\bin\STSADM.EXE" -o addsolution -filename VEAMicroBlog.wsp

Solution manifest for solution 'c52c04d6-1e63-45d0-91f6-a480fbc4ea47' failed val
idation, file manifest.xml, line 2, character 110: The 'SharePointProductVersion
' attribute is not declared.
VEAMicroBlog.wsp: The Solution installation failed.

Is this not available/working with 2007?
Thank you!
Support Team  
10/14/2014 10:29 
Jody, SP2007 is not support. Please see answer above. Regards, Reto
2/5/2015 13:22 
How do i change the color of a main post text its black by default its black bt am also using a black background page so its not visible
lee w  
2/11/2015 11:13 
I've activated the allow picture feature, just wondering how I add an Image, can't past in and no button to put one in as an attachment
Support Team  
2/11/2015 12:20 
Lee, the picture upload uses a HTML5 feature. If you run SP2010 together with an Internet Explorer that isn't supported.
2/19/2015 16:43 
Hi, Is there a way to choose the Microblog list View that feeds this webpart, so to filter out some posts?

UPDATE: This feature has been added to the new build. Please download the latest version from our web site.
3/25/2015 15:25 
Can I change the 'Share and Discuss' title to 'Comments'. Are you able to change font color and size of the chat ? Is there way to export the discussion thread to say word or excel ?
Support Team  
3/26/2015 11:04 
Kathy, currently it isn't possible to change this text. The latest build supports changing the font color. Size and font are taken from the default page settings. The discussion is stored in a list, so it can be exported.
Regards, Reto
David Foster  
6/4/2015 12:14 
When you say price per server. Is that per Web Front End, App server or both. Also where can I get information on the setting. For example letter color, what is the format hex, RGB.. I love this product and currently trying to sell it's use to my company
Support team  
6/5/2015 20:13 
David, the price is per Web Front End and App Server. The first license includes up to two servers, with a second license any number of servers is supported.
The format of the colors are the same as used in html (hex).
Regards, Reto
Marc Davis  
3/3/2016 19:32 
Hi guys - this web part is ALMOST perfect for a project we have - but - it is missing a 'Like' button. How much effort would be involved with adding Likes to this?
Marc Davis  
3/10/2016 19:23 
Hi Guys - we want to eval the chat web part but it is loading an older version of jQuery which is breaking our pages. Can you put an option in to detect and use the existing jQuery library or add an option to disable jQuery injection (in web.config?) thanks!
Support Team  
3/10/2016 22:46 
Marc, you can add the following key to your web.config (typically found at c:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\virtualdirectories\80) <appSettings> section as follows:

<add key="CW.UseExistingJQuery" value="1" />

Please be sure to have the upper and low case letters correct.

Support Team  
11/23/2016 11:47 
If someone experience problemes with IE 11 Edge mode, please download the latest build.
3/28/2019 17:43 
Hi - we're interested in using this, but I'm wondering if there's a way to get notifications:
- alert to page owner when a comment is posted
- alert to poster when someone replies to their post
- allow users to follow or subscribe to get updates

As far as I can see, the SP2010 Alert function on the page is only triggered if page content is edited, so doesn't send an alert when a comment is made using this web part. If we have it on multiple pages, we don't want to have to go in and change list settings manually every time in the back end, but it's really difficult to keep users engaged when they have no way to know about new posts. Any ideas?
Support Team  
4/2/2019 13:04 
Hi Darryl, in the properties under "Micro Blog Tools", there is a "Set Master Mail" setting. Simply enter an email address and for every post on the blog, there will be a notification via email. Also you can activate the "Show Follow It" property. After a page reload, next to the reply link appears also a follow link. Once activated there will be an email message for every post. Please ensure that the smtp settings of the share point server is set correctly.
6/5/2019 17:52 
We have started using this webpart and we have run into an error, it is tracking / creating a blank comment in our blog list for EVERY person who is viewing the page, but they are not leaving a comment. Is there a setting that would fix this that perhaps we missed?

Technical Support Contact Information
If you find that you cannot resolve an issue using the above tools, our Technical Support staff will be ready to handle your technical support needs. You can reach our staff by phone or by email.

Phone: +41 (0)62 823 75 75 (9am - 5pm GMT)
Fax : +41 (0)62 823 75 74
Email: [email protected]
  RSS Feed   
We have used almost all the SharePoint AE Web parts  over the last 2  years and really like them. Their support is wonderful and we have never encountered an issue they did not resolve/respond to very quickly.

Stacy N Wilson, Attorneys’ Title Fund Services LLC