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Microsoft Sharepoint Web Parts

Christmas SharePoint Web Part

The free Christmas Web Part allows you to display a Christmas Greeting Card with animated snowfall on your Sharepoint pages

The Web Part can be used with Windows Sharepoint Services V3, MOSS 2007, Sharepoint  2010,  Sharepoint 2013, Sharepoint 2016 and Sharepoint 2019 (both classic and modern pages).  

The following parameters can be configured:
  • Card Heading and Text
  • Background Image
  • Choose from 10 motifs

Product Price
Christmas Web Part
Free download..
Christmas Web Part for SP 2013
Free download..
Christmas Web Part for SP 2016
Free download..
Christmas Web Part for SP 2019 and SE
Free download..
Christmas Web Part
Sandbox Version (on premise only)
Free download..
Installation Instructions (SP 2010/2013/2016/2019) download..
Installation Instructions (SP 2007) download..
Installation Instructions for SP 2019 "modern" pages download..


SharePoint 2019/SE 'Modern' version »

Installation Instructions:

  1. download the Christmas Web Part Installation Instructions (PDF file, see above) 
  2. download and unpack the file.
  3. either install the web part manually or deploy the feature to your server/farm as described in the instructions.
  4. Configure the following Web Part properties in the Web Part Editor "Miscellaneous" pane section as needed:

  • Header Text:
    Enter the text of the card heading
  • Header Style:
    Enter the CSS style to be used for the formatting of the heading.
    Example: font-size:48pt;color:gold;font-family:kunstler script
  • Message Text:
    Enter the text to be placed on the card (please note that you can embed HTML tags if needed)
  • Message Style:
    Enter the CSS style to be used for the formatting of the heading.
    Example: font-size:11pt;color:#bb2222;text-align:center
  • Motif:
    enter a number between 1 and 10 to choose one of the 10 built-in motifs or cycle through this collection if you choose the "Show new Card every day" option (see further below):

  • Background Image: enter the path to a background image stored in a Sharepoint Picture Libary if you want to override the above images. The "Site" portion of the path is not needed if the Picture Library is in the same site as the web part page.
    Please note that you might need to adjust the web part's "Card Width" and "Card Height" settings to properly fit your image.
    Example: SomeSite/SomeLibrary/SomePicture.jpg
  • Show new Card every day: shows a new card on every day when clicked. Otherwise a new entry is displayed on every page refresh.
  • Card Width: enter the desired width of the Card in pixels
  • Card Height: enter the desired height of the Card in pixels
  • Center Web Part: horizontally center the web part within the available space.

    Please enter a comment below if you have problems with the installation, want to give feedback or have suggestions for improvements:

    User Comments Post a Comment 

    12/10/2009 23:09 
    Will the background image retain it's size or will it be "shrunk to fit" a predetermined size?
    12/11/2009 00:11 
    Bob, the image will retain its size, thus you should use the web part's "Width" and "Height" settings to adapt it to the background image.
    12/14/2009 21:47 
    I have successfully installed and deployed this web part. However, when I try to add it into a site that I have created with SharePoint Designer I get the following error: AE Christmas Web Part Error Rendering Control - g_76090423_dd27_41c6_955a_164a63331e78An unhandled exception has occurred. The string parameter 'url' cannot be null or empty. Parameter name: url The webpart works fine on all of my other sites except for this one site. Any suggestions?
    12/15/2009 10:34 
    Jenny, the web part contains an embedded JavaScript resource, which for some reason cannot be loaded by your Sharepoint Designer site.
    Dan Neuman  
    12/13/2011 17:36 
    Is there a way to override the click, and make it go to a special webpage?
    12/15/2011 20:05 
    Dan, this is not possible but you actually can add a link both to the web part’s “Header Text” and “Message Text” settings as follows:

    <a href=''>Merry Christmas</a>

    (ie. by entering the <a> HTML tag manually)
    12/22/2011 19:24 
    Hi Juerg Thank you for this nice web part. I have a question: Is it possible to change the effect of the animation? For example, I want to show some animated flowers or other small pictures! I want to use it in our native new year! Thank you very much , Abbas
    12/23/2011 15:35 
    Abbas, we actually use the "." (full stop) character in different font sizes to create the snow flakes. If you think you can find some suitable other symbol (maybe using the “Wingdings” or some other Windows font), we could adapt the web part to use a configurable character.
    12/24/2011 07:56 
    Hi Juerh, That's a good Idea! I can find some Characters from some windows font (in our native langugae or "Wingdings") to config the web-part. Would you please adapt the web part to use a configurable character or string (in size and color)? Thank you, Abbas
    12/25/2011 15:39 
    Hello Juerg, Nice webpart. Thanks. Is it possible to align the picture in the center? Merry Xmas. Mario
    12/29/2011 13:56 
    Mario, this is currently not possible (but we’ll see if we can add this feature for next year..)
    1/2/2012 08:54 
    Hello Juerg, Can you make the header text also center (next year) Kind regards, Mario
    12/4/2012 17:21 
    we have now added the new „Center Web Part” setting.
    Please re-download the updated Zip file , extract the WSP file and then update the web part solution.
    12/16/2012 12:13 
    can i use the same in sharepoint 2010 foundation
    12/17/2012 10:50 
    yes, it is compatible with Sharepoint 2010 Foundation.
    12/8/2013 12:28 
    Hi Juerg,

    1. I used text-align:center in the Header Style but the header text still remains left justify.

    2. I will like to unwrap the message text as I have a lot of spaces to play with.

    3. I clicked the Show new card every day option. I tried to refresh the page many times but the entry did not change. Is still the number 1 entry that shows no matter how many times the page is refreshed.

    4. I am using SharePoint 2010 Foundation and just downloaded the web part today.

    12/15/2013 15:42 
    at the bottom of the edit pane you can select „Center Web Part”.
    What do you want the message text to look like?
    The card changes with each new day (but not with each page refresh).
    Sharepoint Online  
    12/18/2015 14:05 
    What is the proper installation for Office 365 Sharepoint Online?
    12/18/2015 21:05 
    we have now added the downloadable PDF instruction file for Office365. Please find it at the top of this page.
    12/15/2016 13:38 
    It would be really neat if you could have the header be like how powerpoint can change or add things on a timer. So you could say Merry Christmas in several languages if you wanted and have it change every few seconds.
    12/21/2016 00:39 
    can the border around the picture be removed?
    12/21/2016 04:41 
    can the border around the picture be removed or styled? to make it thinner and change color?
    12/21/2016 18:31 
    we have now added the .AEXmas CSS style which allows you to override the default CSS style as for example via the below “Options” setting (to be added to the web part’s “Options” setting):

    css=.AEXmas {border:none !important}

    Please re-download the web part and then update the web part solution.

    Technical Support Contact Information
    If you find that you cannot resolve an issue using the above tools, our Technical Support staff will be ready to handle your technical support needs. You can reach our staff by phone or by email.

    Phone: +41 (0)62 823 75 75 (9am - 5pm GMT)
    Fax : +41 (0)62 823 75 74
    Email: [email protected]
      RSS Feed   
    Very happy with the level of service and level of professionalism of Juerg Amrein and his team.

    Shailesh Surroop, Mauritius Union Group

    This web part is available for:
    SharePoint 2010
    SharePoint 2013
    SharePoint 2016
    SharePoint 2019
    SharePoint SE
    SharePoint 2019 'modern'
    SharePoint SE 'modern'
    Office 365