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IntranetNow Enterprise Portal Solution

What can an Intranet do for you ?

Cut through the complexity
Files are likely spread around on random servers, or worse, locked away in filing cabinets. People spend too much time searching for the documents they need.
Imagine a single point of access to time sheets, calendars, expense reports, and company benefits. Or working with documents that update themselves with real-time data pulled automatically from the Web.
With an intranet or portal solution, your users gain quick access to essential documents from a simple, intuitive interface that relies more on human nature than disjointed technology. Anyone in your organization can search for information, publish a document on the Web, share files with multiple users, or collaborate on reports.
All without learning new software or calling the help desk.

A few small changes today can pay off in big dividends tomorrow
Growing businesses like yours invest in technology with the goal of improving productivity, saving time, and improving the bottom line.
If you’re not using an intranet to communicate, you’re not getting 100% from your IT investment.
Sharing. Playing well with others. Simple concepts that we can introduce to you through an intranet and portal solution.

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Informationsdrehscheibe für alle Unternehmensbereiche

"Single Point of Access" zu business- und entscheidungsrelevantem Wissen und Information

Effizienzsteigerung dank guter Übersicht, Transparenz und schnellem Zugriff auf Daten

Kurze Einarbeitungszeit neuer Mitarbeiter

Web-Browser als einfach verständliches Benutzerinterface

Migration bestehender Applikationsdaten im Web-Browser

Nutzung bestehender Applikationsdaten im Web-Browser

Eigene Anwendungen erstellen ohne grossen Aufwand