<< SharePoint 2019/SE 'Modern' Web PartsTable of contents 
Exchange Calendar List Web Part

The Exchange Calendar List Web Part displays the appointments of the selected Microsoft Exchange mailboxes and/or Exchange public folder calendars as a list.

Exchange Calendar List Web Part

Web Part Configuration:

enter the optional web part title

Web Part:

enter the below configuration options:

enter the name of the Windows account used to fetch the data from the Exchange server.
pwd=xxx (enter the password for the above account.)
enter the web domain name of the Exchange web frontend server
enter the domain name of the Exchange mail server
enter the mailbox name(s) or enter "{uid}" to display the current user's calendar
view=Month (select either "Day", "Week" or "Month")
starthour=8 (enter the start hour of the "Day" view)
endhour=5 (enter the end hour of the "Day" view)
weekend=0 (suppress the display of Saturday and Sunday)
localization=localized strings
freebusycolors=free/busy color values
cache=30 (enter the data cache duration in minutes)

Web Part Configuration
Webpart Homepage & Download »

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11/15/2022 11:17 
Dear Juerg, is it possible to set colors for subjects as for classic web part?

e.g. Office=gray;Business Trip=red ....

Thank you
11/15/2022 13:09 
we have now added the „subjectcolors“ „modern“ web part setting as eg.

subjectcolors=Office=gray;Business Trip=red

Please re-download the web part and then update the solution.
11/18/2022 10:04 
Dear Juerg,
We are trying to use Exchanve Calendar List Web Part but we always receive the following error message :
"Error: The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable."
Our test demonstrate the availability of the server and the connexion request without error.
We are using (still...) Exchange Server 2013 CU23 with Sharepoint Server 2019.
Do you know if there is some timeout limitation? I can send you in private email the configuration parameters if needed.
Thanks in advance for your answer and help.
Best regards,
2/2/2024 13:00 
can you check on your Exchange server via the “IIS Manager/Application Pools” if the


has been started ?