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News Rollup Web Part

The News Rollup Web Part displays the most recent announcements of each Annoucement List within the Sharepoint Site collection and thus gives much better visibility to new announcements published anywhere within the current site collection.
The News Roll Up Web Part displays the announcement title (linked to the announcement entry), the first few words, the author and the post date.
Sharepoint 2019 Modern News Rollup Web Part

Web Part Configuration:

enter the optional web part title

Web Part:

enter the below configuration options:

pictures=Attachment (define the picture column)
more=8 (max. number of words displayed)
count=5 (max. number of News displayed)
newsperlist=5 (max. number of News displayed per list)
pagesize=10 (number of News per page)
sortby=Modified (define the sort order. Default is "Created")
showsite=1 (display the site name)
showlist=1 (display the list name)
showauthor=0 (suppress the author name)
showattachments=1 (show the news list item attachments)
tabs=1 (display the category tabs)
more=5 (specify the number of words to be displayed)
lists=listurl (specify one or more specific lists to be rolled up)
layout=Cards (specify the News layout to be used)
moretext=read more (customize the "more" text)
pictures=Attachments (specify the source of the pictures to be shown)
thumbnail=150 (specify the image width in pixels
category=Somecolumn (specify a category filter to be applied)
extracolumns=column (specify additional columns to be displayed)
showattachments=1 (show the news list item attachments)
sites=Site collection URL's (specify the site collections to be rolled up)

Web Part Configuration
Webpart Homepage & Download »

Please enter a comment below if you want to give feedback or have suggestions for improvements:

User Comments Post a Comment 

5/5/2023 19:40 
Is there a way to not show the date, hiding '3 days ago', for example?
5/8/2023 11:29 
we have now added the „showdate=0“ configuration setting to suppress the display of the post date.


Please re-download the web part from /apps/page.asp?Q=5798  and then update the farm solution.
11/29/2023 11:16 
Is there a way to customize the 'AENRDetailViewSPFx' page in SharePoint 2019 'Modern'? I would also like to display the author and the creation date.


Is it also possible to define an expiry date when the news will be deleted?
11/29/2023 12:52 
we have now added both the author and the "Created" date to the detial view page.
Please thus re-download the web part and then update the farm solution.

The web part actually already honors the out-of-the-box "Expires" list column of the "Announcements" list(s).