Create a Tiles Sidebar

This example describes how to configure the Tiles web part to display as a vertical side bar. Configure the Tile web part as follows:

Tile CSS Style: color:white;border-top:1px solid #09f
Options: columns=2|background=#0078d4
Then proceed to add the below tiles:

Tile #1 (Welcome tile)

This tile displays a welcome message.
Title: Welcome/hide
Tile Type: Text
Content: <p style="text-align:center;font-size:15px"> Good {timeofday} {firstname}<br> Welcome back !</p>
Size: 2x0.75

Tile #2 (Current time)

This tile displays the current time
Title: Current Time/hide
Tile Type: Digital Clock
Size: 2x0.5
CSS: font-size:18px

Tile #3 (Current date)

This tile displays the current date
Tile Type: Current Date
Content: /fontsize=32px
Size: Wide

Tile #4 (Current weather)

This tile displays the current weather
Tile Tyle: Weather
Content: USNY0996
Background: #0078d4
Size: 1.5x1
CSS: padding-left:50px

Tile #5 (Links)

This tile displays a list of links
Title: Links/hide
Tile Type: List Items
URL: http://domain/Lists/Links/AllItems.aspx
Size: 2x2.5
CSS: padding:10px 0 0 20px
Sidebar created with the Tiles web part

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11/19/2020 23:47 
How do I configure Tile #5 links to actually open up the link itself?
11/20/2020 12:14 
the tile displays a list of links by pointing it to a Sharepoint Links list where you can enter your links as illustrated below:

11/20/2020 16:07 
I got the links to show however after adding Icon column the symbols are still not showing
11/20/2020 16:20 
is your browser connected to the internet ?
The icons are actually fetched from the below Microsoft site: