Create a Dynamic Tiles View via an URL parameter

This example describes how to configure the below Tiles web part to display dynamic information based on the value of a passed in URL parameter (as for example selcted via a menu web part on another page).
Each tile points to the selected list item in the "Customer" list and displays information based on the selected item.

Dynamic View selected via an URL parameter built with the Tiles Web Part

Tile #1 (Main tile)

The tile points at a Customers list view and displays a specific list item based on the passed in "customer" URL parameter.
Tile Type: Single List Item
Content: <h2>{Title}</h2> {Attachments/icon}<br> {Description}<br> <ul> <li>{Address}</li> <li>Phone: {Phone}</li> <li>{Email}</li> </ul> defines the template used to display specific
list columns enclosed by curly braces
URL: http://domain/Lists/Customers/AllItems.aspx?ID={customer} points to a Customer list to select the item
Size: 3x2

Tile #2 (Location tile)

This tile points to the customers Google Map location
Tile Type: Google Map
Content: Location /address={Address}/zoom=15 passes the "Address" column to the Google Map
Target: Dialog opens the map in a dialog popup

Tile #3 ("Active" KPI tile)

This tile displays a KPI based on the "Active" list column
Tile Type: KPI
Description: current status
Content: Active=yes displays in green color if the "Active" column is checked
URL: http://domain/Lists/Customers/AllItems.aspx?ID={customer} points to the Customer list item

Tile #4 ("Sales" KPI tile)

This tile displays a KPI based on the "Sales" list column
Tile Type: KPI
Description: Sales to date
Content: Sales>30000 displays in green color if the "Sales" column is larger than USD 30,0000
URL: http://domain/Lists/Customers/AllItems.aspx?ID={customer} points to the Customer list item

Tile #5 (Weather tile)

This tile displays the weather based on the customer's location
Tile Type: Weather
Content: {WeatherCode} displays the weather based on the customer's "WeatherCode" list column

Tile #6 (User Profile tile)

This tile displays the profile of the sales manager assigned to the selected customer
Tile Type: User
Content: {Manager} displays the profile of the user as defined in
the customer's "Manager" list column

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12/7/2021 09:50 
Dear, I tried to pass the URL parameter from a AETiles Image (with the URL) to a new Page that includes the AETiles Single List Item, and I get a message « Item not found! ».
Can you help how to get the parameter in the Single List Item, in order to retrieve the parameter as described in your page?
Thanks a lot for your answer.
12/7/2021 13:29 
please enter the URL of the target Tiles web part that contains the dynamic „Single List Item” into the “Image” tile’s “URL” setting as eg:


This opens the target page, transmitting the “customer” URL parameter with a value of “1” in the above example.

The “Single List Item” tile now needs to point to the Sharepoint list that contains the data to be displayed as follows:
