2.20 Video Tile

The "Video" tile type lets you embed an MP4 or YouTube video.

Embedded YouTube video:

This example embeds a YouTube video in the tile.
You can get the video URL by clicking the "Share" button on YouTube and then copying the URL from the box below the button.

Target: Embedded
URL: https://youtu.be/_9fGXZ4ocp4
Video Tile displaying an embedded YouTube video

Link to YouTube video:

This example links to a YouTube video and automatically displays the video cover image. The video is opened in a Sharepoint dialog window.
You can get the video URL by clicking the "Share" button on YouTube and then copying the URL from the box below the button.

Target: Dialog
URL: https://youtu.be/wnr2OINJzho
Video Tile linking to a YouTube video

Embedded MP4 video:

This example embeds an MP4 video in the tile.

Target: In Place
URL: http://somedomain/Videos/testvideo.mp4
You can optionally specify the "/autoplay", the "/loop", the "/mute" and/or the "/poster" options (to be added to the "Content" setting:

Content: /autoplay/loop/poster=/images/someImage.jpg
Video Tile displaying an embedded MP4 video

Linking to videos using the "Icon" tile:

These two examples embed a YouTube link and an MP4 video link in the tiles.

Title:Youtube LinkContent:fa-youtube-playBackground:blackTarget:DialogURL:https://youtu.be/h3gjm7ZDtYE Title:CEO Video AddressContent:ma-play_circle_outlineBackground:PreviewTarget:DialogURL:http://somedomain/Videos/testvideo.mp4
Icon Tile linking to a video

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