2.4 Single List Item Tile

The "Single List Item" tile displays the content of a specific list item as illustrated by the below examples:

Simple Example:

This example displays the first item as selected by the "Today" view of the "Cafeteria" list.
Appending the "/comments" parameter enables commenting for the item.

Title:Today's MenuContent:{Lunch}/commentsURL:http://somedomain/Lists/Cafeteria/Today.aspx
Single List Item Tile displaying the Cafeteria Menu   Single List Item Tile displaying the most recent News Annoucement


This tile is linked to a SharePoint Announcements list and displays the item based on the below custom item template:

Content:{Attachments/top}<p style='font-size:16px;line-height:21px;margin-bottom:2px'>{Title}</p><p style='color:#eee;font-size:11px;margin-bottom:2px'>{Created/D}</p><p style='font-size:13px;line-height:16px'>{Body/more}</p>/commentsURL:http://somedomain/Lists/News/TopItem.aspx
Single List Item Tile displaying the most recent News Annoucement

Blog Post:

This example displays the most recent blog post of the blog specified by the URL:

Title:Our BlogURL:http://somedomain/CEOBlog/Lists/Posts/AllPosts.aspx
Single List Item Tile displaying the most recent Blog post

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