Category: Software Utilities

Microsoft Exchange Client Utilities

Univerity of Wisconsin Stevens Point

Resend Extension Version 1.0 for 32-bit Microsoft Exchange Clients
This resend client extension is only available as a 32-bit utility and thus only runs on Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51/4.0 clients.
•Installs itself into the Compose menu -- available when viewing a message, when viewing the contents of a folder, and when using Tools/Find to find messages.
•Choosing Compose/Resend brings up the message you're working on with all recipients, subject lines, and body text the same as the original.
•Choosing Compose/Resend Now allows you to send a message to its recipients immediately, without editing.
•Both Resend and Resend Now can be added to a customized toolbar.

Export Extension Version 1.0 for 32-bit Microsoft Exchange Clients
We've received many requests from our users about being able to print out members of a distribution list, or even to cut and paste members of that list into another application, but the Exchange Address Book doesn't allow that functionality. Another common problem was not being able to easily print or copy the properties of a mailbox. So we wrote this client extension which exports that information to a message you can e-mail to another person, print out, or cut and paste into another application.

Univerity of Wisconsin Stevens Point